She listened to him, drinking in the stories of his culture and life. When she heard that he had been forced to take his own father's life, Stare felt a pang of sorrow. Looking down she could not bring herself to face Nosdyn for a while, realising now that they did have their differences. She had lost her father, brothers and mother, yes, but not by her own hands. Only by the wicked ones of fate.

"I am sorry for your loss," she told him softly. "And I am sorry you have to do this without your true will. If it helps I will try to find the page in the book to entirely release you ... Vitruvion is smart. He will be able to decipher it."

She paused, rubbing her hand through the feathers at the crest of her head before sighing, and deigning it time to look back up. Carefully her eyes sought Nosdyn's behind his mask.

"You will still get paid, but if you honestly don't want to be here, I would prefer to know. My ... Master. He wants you to help and I will not be able to release you until I get permission but it kills me to know that you are here not of your own will. That woman at the bar," she leant forwards.

"Who was she? The one with the blue hair? Do you know anything about her? Also," she paused a while, thinking.

Did she really want to promise something she could not keep? Really and honestly, despite her best intentions? For, at the end of all days she was adherent to Vitruvion. He was her true patron, her god for all things realistically and exceptionally. She could not deny him his power. So therefore, knowing what she did, being who she was, could she give this?

Honestly, truly, fully?

Fuck it. I will deal with the consequences.

Suddenly standing, she knocked into the table as she quickly got to her feet. Frustrated with it all, with everything, she slammed her goblet down. A gasp belonging to Mrs Deerling came from the kitchen, along with a stunned face appearing from the doorway.

But Stare ignored it.

"I promise to help you. Find your retribution. On my tail feathers, I promise this." And she held out a clawed hand to him. "But for it, I ask you agree to work with me on this. We will fell the Heysans together, and then destroy your enemy, in time. I cannot promise now, but I can promise later. And I also promise to do it when we are not bonded by your stupid contract ...

Do you agree?"