"We must survive." Lorenor said to nobody in particular.

He was deep in thought at that point. Considering the fact that they had rebuilt an old fortress and created a haven from the storm of ash-fall. Lorenor felt tired those days but it was through no particular fault of anybody present. As he stood there he observed his companions all working towards a common good. Some were Human, others were not. But Lorenor was in no position to judge given who he was. As he looked over his companion, she was in labor.

He held her hand tightly as the birth process took place.

Medics were healing her with the healing arts. Or attempting to. Lorenor kept his eyes locked on her. He nodded towards her. "My strength is your strength. I am by your side and you are not dealing with this alone."

She gave one final scream and the new life was born into the world of Althanas. A youngling cried out with the pain of birth. Lorenor looked at their child, a woman. Are my people not an inherently barren race? Does this child not represent hope then? The little one was a girl. [b]"She's a GIRL." He called out to his companions, the followers of the old ways. There were cries of joy from his friends. The little one had pale skin and glowing blue eyes, like her Father. Lorenor looked at her eyes. There was a fierce intellect that lurked in them. The woman who was her Mother rested peacefully as the birth pains began to subside.

"Do you have a name for her?" A medic asked.

"Laura." Lorenor placed his hand on the forehead of the small child. "You will bring great change to this world. And bridge the gap between the races of our world." Lorenor looked at his son, The Black Knight. The two exchanged a nod. Lorenor stood by the side of his child and companion as they rested. [i]Father...me...fancy that.
Lorenor thought to himself. He looked at the woman sleeping in the bed and thought about many things. He did prefer men to be his companions...those feelings remained there. But he was okay with taking care of the Mother of his child.

Lorenor felt someone touch his shoulder. "Sire. There is a stranger here to see you." Lorenor nodded to the messenger. "I will speak to them right away."


"You are from Radasanth, are you not?" Lorenor asked of the stranger.

"Yes, things are bad over there now we are running out of basic supplies and people are going hysterical." The stranger said. "I won't lie to you, things look bad."

Lorenor rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "How many survivors are there?" He asked calmly.

"Some." The messenger responded. "The city is no longer safe, many fires present and a lot of destruction from within."

"I thought it would get that bad." Lorenor said calmly.

His son, The Black Knight, looked at Lorenor. "It's just like The Prophet said it would be."

Lorenor nodded. "Gather as many survivors as you can the ones who seek refuge. Bring them here, I will take care of them personally."

The messenger looked at Lorenor calmly. "So you will help?"

"Bring what I asked of you and yes I will help." Lorenor thought of something just then. "How are your basic supplies for the trip back to Radasanth?" He asked.

"I'm prepared. I will bring back as many that need help that I can bring back. Lorenor...your deeds will be long remembered." The messenger said calmly.

Lorenor nodded once more and shook the man's hand. "We will help any who need it. Consider that an open invitation."


"Father are you certain that is wise?" The Black Knight asked as the messenger left.

"The Prophet would have wanted it this way." Lorenor said calmly in response. "We saved this fort to create a safe haven for any who would use it." Lorenor explained. "Someday, Ashfall will stop."

"...Father what if it does not?" The Black Knight asked in response.

"...At least we have this safe place. Come on my boy, let's get some work done." Lorenor said to his son and they went back into the rebuilt fortress as the ash continued to silently fall.