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    loves.blessing.'s Avatar


    McKinley JoAnne Parish
    The collective chaos of mother's calling out to their lost babes, sons pleading to their elder father to try and make it to the docks before the last boat left them behind, it all played like a chorus of mayhem.

    I watched as a sea of bodies pushing against me. They tried to consume me, drowning in the waves of pandemonium. I drew the scarf that I had wrapped around my neck and drawn over my mouth and nose in attempt to shield me from the ash that rained down, closer to me. The air thick with smoke, causing it hard to breathe. I fought, my calves quivering against the gravity that tried to push me back. I kept my head down pressing forward as best as I could. I was small in stature and width but I was mighty in more ways then one. I closed my eyes for a moment, the only stilled being in the crowd, I felt the familiar strings of the shadows wrap around me. The cold darkness consuming my form as I melted into the shadows. Though I was in a semi inter dimensional realm I was still technically Corone. With ease I brushed past the people, the chaos. Though my insides twisted with guilt, ignoring the pleas of many I had to press on.

    I made it to the outskirts of the center market of the city. Carts that people had sold their goods to make a living over turned, missing wheels. Windows to shops broken in, horror filled me as I tried to shake the somber-some feeling. I, McKinley Parish had never seen a ghost town but I assumed that this is what it must look like. Finally I released the sticky magic of the shadows away from my form. To any one that peered at me through the ash stricken skies I would look like I had popped out from no where. I sighed rolling my shoulders out, I watched as the dark magic retreated into the depths of where it came from.

    I tossed the hood of my cloak back revealing my fiery, orange mane was the only colorful thing with in miles. I took a deep breath, wincing at how acidic and smoke filled the air had become just down here. Gritting my teeth I pushed on, forcing myself to travel to the volcano that had created all this chaos, this disarray. The sounds of me footsteps absorbed by the ash beneath my feet. "May the Gods and Goddess smile down on me while I enter the belly of the beast." I mumbled too myself as I drew closer to the base of the mountain that had covered this land with ash.

    The satchel on my shoulder was loaded with things that could get me through the trip if need be. Hopefully I would find the answers that I was searching for but oddly enough I didn't even know what exactly that was. I had just felt the ground quake and came out to nothing but pure madness. My only thought was to aide anyone that lived on the mountain. I was surprised when I saw that I was not the only one with the idea of heading up the mountain instead of away from it.

    "Hello?" I called out slightly unsure of who in their right mind would choose this path only to shake my head realizing how hypocritical I was being.

    I shook my head and the feeling of uneasiness in me. The screams of innocents haunting me. I cleared my throat, puffed out my chest. "Hello? Is someone there?" I called once more, squinting as the ashes made it hard for me to see anything that wasn't two feet from my face. I drew closer and could make out the silhouettes of a few figures but couldn't exactly see what exactly they where doing or even if they were close enough to one another to be made aware of one another.
    Last edited by loves.blessing.; 09-19-2018 at 04:29 AM.

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