Gigantic. Terrible. Dangerous.

A god of an underworld, of an unforgotten realm, a lizard of dragon proportions with skin as sable as the shimmering rock the miners had been cutting from the stone. It sped from a tunnel as swift as an arrow, flying with its deep red mouth open, tongue flailing. Breathing a heat that could only be described as volcanic the wyrm-like creature ran aimlessly, though seeming towards them. At around ten feet in length it seemed more monster in being, and thus it was that Vitruvion drew in a breath before drawing his long, thin golden dagger. The creature had four legs, and they carried it fast towards them.

There were seconds to make a decision.

Swirling in a flourish of his coat Vitruvion Elssmith twisted and placed his arm directly around the waist of his beloved kenku. Then, with not so much as a warning he hoisted her under his arm and began to run, his own feet pounding on the onyx-like rock beneath them, that glistened in the flickering firelight. Though it was one monster it posed a threat, and thus the god trapped in human form fled, his face set, his jaw tight. There was nobody but her to call him a coward now, and he knew she would always understand.

She had to.

Stare let out a light gasp as she was man-handled and sized about the waist. Like some errant package she was bundled beneath his arm. She felt the temptation to bang on his arm as he went for the closest exit - the angled path that possibly led back to the entrance - and ask to be placed down, but she knew the situation. It was dire. And deadly. Instead she reached up and clutched onto his shoulder, her wings becoming tangled in his limbs. She let out a mild caw as she tried to climb into a sturdier position, and all the while he ran.

As the creature chased them. It let out a furious roar as its myriad silvery eyes seemed to see them, and it gave chase. Stare looked over Vitruvion's shoulder to see it there, and she clutched on for dear life as he accelerated. Lengthening his strides the god said nothing as he carried her through the stony tunnel, only grunting as he became unsure as to their true location. His facial features twitched, he hissed, and he skidded around a corner just in time to see -

Another lizard bursting from the floor itself. Right into a group of what looked like explorers - or miners who were trapped within a vast chamber. He gritted his teeth and turned quickly around.

His heart thumped wildly as he saw their monster skid around the corner, then jeer and start straight for them, fire and hunger in its jaws.

"Damn," he muttered, as he pushed Stare up onto his shoulder. There she scrambled, and sat, clutching around his shoulder and head for support.

"Damn," he repeated. "We might be stuck."