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  1. #8

    EXP: 38,578, Level: 8
    Level completed: 40%, EXP required for next Level: 5,422
    Level completed: 40%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,422

    Gavner_Nahs's Avatar


    Gavner groaned as a wave of heat overcame him; it was as if a large cushion had been placed over his mouth to impede his inhaling- suffocating him with malice. If the heat wasn't enough, the descending ash could choke out anybody. His face began to drip with beads of sweat as the skin on his ears began to feel as if it were peeling. The forest floor slowly came into vision as the sky grew darker, as if the sun had set early; this would have been great for his vision if the heat wasn't blinding Gavner anyway.

    "We're heading to the tree..." Gavner heard through the muffled, and ringing world as his senses started to come back.

    "They are headed to what?" Gavner muttered to himself as he forced himself to his feet, and struggled to regain his balance for a moment. Through the fog of his stunned mind, and the oppressive heat, the odor of smoldering leaves began to descend upon his nostrils as the creature of the night began to stumble his way in the direction of the voice. He noticed glowing embers on the leaves of the trees above.

    By this time a cloud of ash with an infinite expanse descended on the forest, impeding all vision farther than a few feet in front of those with even the keenest of eyesight such as Gavner's, leaving the nightwalker to make due with his hearing. As he began to tread lightly, small illuminations began to litter the forest floor where dead leaves had started to ignite from the dry heat and falling embers. A slight incline of panic teased Gavner as the thought of a forest fire popped into his mind.

    "Just one foot in front of the other, one foot in front of the other," Gavner said as he continued on. Soon enough, the heat became less suffocating, and his mind began to clear. "I am adjusting to this. But why are we heading towards the direction of the disaster?" He wondered aloud. As he continued on, he began to hear the treading of several others through the dirt and dry leaves.

    Other Survivors

    He began to follow from afar until he noticed the convoy slowing, and signs of exhaustion could be heard. Now was his chance to introduce himself; first impressions are everything, you know. Running his slender fingers through his now ash-dusted orange hair, and brushing the white layer off of the shoulders on his black cape, Gavner strutted ahead to the convoy, noting a young halfling, and a mature elf helping along an injured human.

    "Figures," Gavner muttered so that no one else could hear. "Humans always need helping out," he joked to himself.

    "Afternoon," the child of the night said charismatically as he walked within sight of the others. Amid the scorching heat, and the chalky ash, it was everything he could do to not allow his composure to break, and burst out coughing. "Fancy meeting you all here on this fine Descending Summer day. Need some help?"

    The nightwalker took hold of the struggling Hayate, lifting him off the ground and into his arms, thus removing the burden from Elthas.

    "Now if I may ask, why, pray tell, are we heading towards this damned disaster and not away from it?"
    Last edited by Gavner_Nahs; 12-05-2018 at 09:16 PM.

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