
Faint, distant. But most definitely a call for help. Elthas turned towards the injured form of Hayate, who was the immediately closest victim of the volcanic eruption. He ran through the ash storm, carefully making his way toward Hayate, beyond Hayate he saw another person arriving. That other person would be a big help to their cause. Elthas knelt down towards Hayate and nodded towards him. "Something terrible has happened. Lornius...I think it exploded." Elthas didn't really know too much first aid, but he could save Hayate. That's what counted.

In his heart of hearts, Elthas was a heroic person. He would help anybody he could that day. Elthas' sharp eyes caught the form of Kirin (Minor bunnying hope you are okay with this!!!) approaching slightly further off. The ash cloud was persistent and fell in a steady stream down to the physical world of Althanas. Elthas had a hard time breathing through the ash, but he was doing the best he could. They would be safer indoors and his capacity to scout and move quickly through the forest would be needed. Elthas felt his clothing rippling in the hot winds as he moved downwards towards Hayate. He extended a hand towards the injured adventurer. "You need help, you are injured. In my home town there are medics. I'm going to take you there now." Elthas explained. Before he started to get ready to pick up Hayate the best he could, Elthas waved for Kirin to come forward. Further off, a body was flung towards their position.

Elthas sighed. going to be a Hell of a day. And he was not far off from the truth either.

Assisting Hayate the best he could, he helped the fellow stand. "Can you walk? I am not strong enough to carry you by myself. I will need a little help from you. If you can do that I'll guide you towards the medics." Elthas looked at the body of the fellow that just was tossed into their location from Thaynes' knows where. Elthas helped Hayate to stand. The medics would be in full operation by that point helping the injured and preparing for more injured folks to arrive. A tear swelled up in Elthas' eyes. He was crying for the loss of The Great Tree. His head hurt from the pain that the tree was suffering as he did what needed doing. He started to help Hayate back towards The Great Tree's position where help would be waiting for all who were gathered...