It starts as a low rumble, growing to a crescendo, and they’re all witness to how the side of the Keep simply--vanishes.

There’s a flash of fire, a roar of noise, and then darkness again. Darkness in which they can see the Keep’s barriers crumble, nearly as far as they can see it. Darkness in which part of the massive jut of rock that supports the Citadel starts to slide sideways, leaving the Citadel itself untouched, but starting an avalanche that rips through the remaining fortifications of the Keep on this side, burying the entire thing under a thousand tons of rock.

They stop to celebrate, only briefly, but with utter jubilation, and then--yes, more running. Whatever’s left of the Guard that hasn’t just been trapped in their barracks or outright slaughtered will be on their way soon, and Kirin’s group needs to take advantage of this opportunity.

It’s nearing dawn by the time Kirin leads his little party safely outside the walls of Radasanth. Aliah looks relieved to have him here to take charge again, and even more relieved to have the others back. She gives him the jerk of a nod that’s the most acknowledgement she ever gives anyone and vanishes again, scooping a child that’s too tired to walk onto her back as she goes.