They stumble into Gisela under cover of darkness. There’s no time to scout the town, look for the best hideouts--they all pile into a little alley and seal it off as best they can. It’s a clean town, not as big as Radasanth, but not far shy of it either, and the ocean scent brings a touch of familiarity. Everyone sleeps well that night despite being outside.

The next day is a massive whirlwind of activity. They’re moving well before dawn, dispersing throughout the town on their scouting missions in small, easily-dismissed groups. An older sister and her two younger siblings. A pair of youths jostling each other playfully. A group of brats playing with a makeshift ball. They’re good at undercover, all of them, especially in the more rundown parts of town.

Kirin, with his half-elf heritage, and Kei, and Corin, take the upper districts, where the wealthy live. It’s the step above the merchant districts, where Lexon and Lyria wander, and further still from the lowest districts, where Aliah and Lark apply very different methods to the same problem. Kirin was tempted to go with them, but he’s been informed that he can terrorize the seedy underbelly of the city another day. For now, he needs information on the nobles.