Nosdyn studied the man before him. There was a secret there...a prize waiting to be had. I have felt this way before...with Stare and her Master, Vitruvion. I wonder if this is the same thing I am feeling? Nosdyn would never know, he saved thinking for those who were more apt at it than he. His thoughts were more of a tactical military oriented style. But the fellow raised a valid point. There was always a reason for things, and various dealings. Nosdyn nodded calmly and took a drink of his own goblet. He leaned somewhat closer towards him. "You seem a competent adventurer type." Nosdyn began. "I need people who can follow instructions well and get things done. There's a lot of gold to be made here in Stonevale." Nosdyn looked around for a moment and relaxed.

"What I am saying is I need people for a job." Nosdyn continued explaining with just the most subtle hint of mischief. "It's not anything too dangerous but the job pays...and I was curious if you would be interested. Lornius' blowing up in that volcano left a lot of work in it's disaster. And me and you both know...disaster breeds profit." Nosdyn was a business Demon of sorts. He dealt in gold, and other currencies...but that would be worked out later. "There is a lot of dangers out in the wild areas around this town. Some were already there but others rose at the wake of recent events. What I'm saying is Stonevale needs materials...Simple sort of work. There is more involved but I want to gradually involve you. There's a gold piece to be made. That should suffice for now." Nosdyn took a pouch from ihs personal belongings.

"One hundred gold coins." Nosdyn explained. 'That's to start. You work for me, you earn more. Simple really. Seems like a fair deal and I know from personal experience that fair is not in abundance these days. Especially after the reason events. What do you say, you seem like a reasonable person. If you agree we start in the morning, and there is plenty of materials to gather around Stonevale proper. Hefty lot of gold to be made here. There is something else I wish to ask, but I don't want to say what with the current audience around us." Nosdyn grinned. There were already other folks listening on the prospect of making gold on those hard times. "What do you say friend?" Nosdyn asked.