bit of a tangent but maybe this will be helpful idk.

seo's not as esoteric as it used to be. as google gets better and better it's easier and easier to rank on google just by writing good content.

and the challenge with a forum like this is that nobody is googling things that would bring them here. so althanas users could overcome that obstacle by writing rp-adjacent articles that people probably are searching for.

like writing articles about "how to write fantasy style" or "fantasy short stories" or "how to write good characters" and so on and so forth. and within those articles you could promote the community.

although idk if google favours like wordpress style informational sites over forum posts. i'm no expert, just have a passing layperson kinda interest in it all.

could be an additional strategy to working with affiliates because it would bring in users who might have those rp-adjacent interests like fantasy writing and whatever else.