"Gate?" I tilted my head. My eyes drifted towards the destroyed city gate then back to him. I pointed to that direction. "You just told us not to go there."

The elf scoffed. Several more merchants behind him chuckled. I felt my face grow hot in embarrassment. I loathed being laughed at...

"'Ye must 'be from far east not to have heard by now!" the elf rolled his eyes, but still smiled. He motioned towards his wagon, patting some piled up clothes. "Come along, friends! I can explain 'ta 'ya along the way!"

Gwenael stood up and immediately climbed up without a second thought. If it were not for the fact that he was an oh so powerful Thayne, I would have questioned him trusting this group so easily. I had the sneaking suspicion that he saw all of this coming. He dropped us off right here, just in time for this caravan to show up.

I sighed. I wished so badly to express my frustrations. It would be rude to these folks, however. Holding my temper, I nodded to the elf and tried to sound genuine.

"Much appreciated, sir."

"It's Vanytar." The elf said as I tossed my bag up to Gwenael, who neatly caught it. I was about to climb in when...

"Wait." I froze.

The sound of hooves clattering drew close to me. I saw one of the uniformed men atop a chestnut colored stallion. "We have to check your equipment. Safety precautions."

My annoyance boiled as I stepped back. The man pulled the bag out and felt free to rummage through my belongings. I kept glaring at Gwenael the whole time. Oh, did I long to punch him.

The sound of an extra heavy clattering, like glass sounded.

"Hey!" I shouted, hands on my hips. "Don't break anything!"

The man pulled out my sword and dirk, clothed in their sheaths. "We will have to compenscate your weapons on the road."

Now, I just rolled my eyes. "Great."

The man rummaged some more, then pulled out my bows. Afterwards, a metal blue bird. "What does this do?"

I lowered my head, yearning to scream.

Gwenael answered for me. "It's Alerar technology. Best compenscate that too."

Thanks a bunch, Gwenael.

Soon enough, the man lept down with all of my defenses.

"Those are mine!" I finally protested.

The man nodded and repeated procedure. "You will receive these back once you reach the city limits and go through processing."

As he turned and walked away, I cupped one of my hands and shouted. "You break it, you buy it!"

"Calm down, Felicity." I whipped around the see Gwenael sitting in a meditative stance in the cart. "They are offering to transport us to a safe location."

I ignored the fact that he just told me to calm down. I climbed up and checked to see that none of my money or underclothes were stolen. I glared at him with deep rooted anger. "You have better got a good explanation for this, young man."

The white haired boy scoffed, "She tells the Thayne."

I swatted his arm.