Koreena slowly stirred, she wasn’t sure how much time had fast. Even though having just slept she still felt as if she could roll back over and sleep more. Her entire body was still but the pain mostly bearable. Gently she rubbed her eyes, attempting to chase the sleepiness away.

Dizzly she pushed herself to sit up. She let out a hiss of pain as the scabs on her back most have set, hardening even more after her bath. She yelped slightly when the raven haired beauty sat next to her bed. “Selena,” she sighed almost relaxing her very tense body.

Selena smiled gorgeously, closing the book she had been reading and placing it to the side. “Hello, Kora,” she said with a warm tone. “How are you feeling?”

KC grinned at her friend, tiredly, “like I was poisoned,” she joked lightly.

She yawned into the back of her hand, she took in the sight of the girl beside her. Admiring her long dark locks, the way her horns curved at her temples. She was indeed a rare beauty. “How long have I been asleep? I feel like I could sleep for a week straight..” She stifled a yawn again.

“A few hours,” Selena said lightly, casually. “I've been here maybe one.”

Kora slowly nodded, with a timid hand she touched her back, her cool hand soothing the marred flesh. She pushed the duvet back and dangled her feet over the side of the bed. Her head spun slightly as she waited a moment to get her bearings.

When confident enough she wouldn’t up heave or pass out she stood. The fluffy white towel wrapped around her body. Her legs still uncertain if they wanted to hold her up wobbled some. She sighed feeling still a little weak but pressed on into the bathing room. She glanced at the simple, plain cotton dress Regina had brought her.

Carefully she slipped the dress over her head, wincing slightly at the pain that flared up in her back. The dress fit like it was personally made for her. The neck line almost mimicked a sweetheart. The back barely letting her wounds show only few scabs and bruises peaked out. Swiftly she braided her dark and light streaked locks into a fishtail braid before coming back out of the bathroom. She almost looked as if she belonged at the court.

Selena came to stand in the doorway, appearing in the mirror behind her. A soft smile was on the princess’ face. “You look fine. You could belong here.”

Koreena smiled sadly, her hand touching her damp hair before she turned to face the raven haired princess. “Thank you, Lady Star.” She gave her best curtsy under the circumstances. “So what’s next, I have rested and slowly starting to heal; not fast enough but still..”

“I can have master healer McKay come see you,” she said kindly. “That might be worth it. To bind your wounds at least. Then … we will see what you want to do.” She paused. “If you wanted to, you could adapt to being here. Part of our world. As a lover of my father you'd have high status.” She said the last with a murmur.

The demi succubi smiled at her kind words. Nodding she wouldn’t mind if someone bound her wounds so they wouldn’t hurt as much when she moved around, gently she grasped the princess’ hand giving it a squeeze. “I wouldn’t just stay for him Selena, though I’m starting to fall down the rabbit hole that is Charon, I would also stay because I care for you as well.” She smiled at her, one that lit up her tired face.

Selena smiled back, squeezing the hand as tight. “He cares for you also. You just have to understand that he cares for Regina also.” She paused. “And you have to understand what he is here. Why he is kept the way he is,” she murmured, looking away slightly.

Koreena smile sadden the light in her eyes dimming, slowly she nodded. “I understand he cares for her but if I continue to feel the way I do I will back off, I don’t think I could share a man I potentially love.” She cleared her throat as a lump started to form. “Any way,” she pushed the subject aside. “Let’s go find the healer so we can patch these up..” Letting her hand slipped from the fair raven hair beauty.

Slowly Selena breathed in. “That … definitely sounds like something you need to speak with him about, dear.” She was still, poised, perfect.

“Maybe at a later time, right now we have other things to worry about.” She walked towards the door. “Shall we?”

Selena paused. “Master McKay will come to you,” she said quietly. “I will go get him if you are ready?”

“I think I would like to walk, help me clear my mind. I am not glass I won’t break.” She teased, sighing softly. Or will I? She thought to herself.

The lady stood there for a moment before she straightened. Then, she nodded, coming over to Kora and offering an arm. “Very well, but allow my support.”

“I’ll always accept your support, my dear.” She took the princess’ arm, someone that was now and forever would be her friend. Both of them walked arm and arm, slowly out the door.