Four months had passed since the war of Radasanth and less time than that since Hayate escaped from his incarceration at Fort Dour. Every day was a struggle as he tried to blend back into Coronian society but even with the aid of the Brotherhood’s vast array of connections and underground networks the Shinobi couldn’t find peace. His name was known far and wide now, his face instantly recognizable, his past exposed to the world like an open book. Yet through the hardships and all the turmoil, he stayed in Corone despite knowing it wasn’t safe for him anymore.

“One… three… seven…” he said softly to himself as he watched a handful of Rangers crest into view from the rooftop of a neighboring building.the Shinobi made himself as small as possible as about ten men dressed in heavy leathers and armed with Concordia longbows entered the Stonevale Marketplace like an entourage of hound dogs. He cursed himself knowing that he would never be free from these bloodhounds as long as he stayed in Corone. Though Hayate never imagined he would see the sharp jawline of Captain Donnel all the way out here. Donnel, whom had been appointed by Sebatian himself to recover the Shinobi, was a tall blonde headed Concordian Elf with a rough attitude. On more than one occasion the Captain had crossed blades with Hayate and even gotten the advantage pressing the boy soldier to retreat.

The shinobi clung tightly to the edge of the roof as he watched his pursuers navigate the crowd. He held his every breath waiting in anticipation that one of them would turn their head his direction and the chase would be on once more. But luckily for him this never happened and eventually all ten Rangers disappeared into separate streets and finally out of the marketplace altogether. Hayate breathed a sigh of relief as he stood up and debated what his next course of action would be. The smart man would get out of town quickly and quietly, but Hayate was far from a smart man.

As the sun began to crest over the city skyline casting a great shadow over the streets below Hayate heard a familiar sound. The faint call of an owl hooting four times, stopping, then sounding again another four times. Instantly his eyes darted from roof to roof until he saw her, Grell, crouched not forty yards away from him a little down the line of rooftops. Her bald head was the only way Hayate recognized her in the faint light but seeing that cuball filled him with a warmness he hadn’t felt in a while.

“It’s been a long time Grell,” he said as he walked in her direction. “About four months I’d say.” With a smile the young lass stood and greeted her sensei.

“I never thought I’d see you around these parts again, how the hell did you-...” she was cut short.

“Another time,...” his voice was sharp. “But I am happy to see you.” In truth he never thought he would see the girl’s young face again, but sure enough the Thaynes had a different idea in mind. “How are things here? Has Delirious or his gang picked back up? Are the others okay?”

The two of them conversed for a while until Grell remembered something important. She wasn’t sure but whispers from the streets mentioned a scholarly type prowling around asking for him. Apparently he had run into some trouble with one of the lowlifes in town and is searching for the Winds for help. While Hayate was in no position to be making a scene or participating in anything more than a simple assignment he had a vow to uphold in Stonevale, and cleaning up the streets one thug at a time was his specialty. For the next hour or so he and Grell traversed the city under the cover of night searching for the man until they finally spotted him near the city center resting on a bench.

“That’s the man,” she said pointing to the boy below. “Bet you won’t have any problems this time of night but you know how to call us.” And with those parting words she vanished, dropping off the side of the building and disappearing from sight.

“Thank you, my dear.”

What happened next was both a display of pure athleticism and acrobatics as with a single leap Hayate propelled himself up and over the edge of the building, twisting his body as he spiraled downward before landing with a soft thud behind the scholar. A rogue breeze cascaded in from the north carrying with it a trove of leaves. “It’s come to my attention that your in search of the wind?” He whispered in the scholars ear breaking the silence.