Quote Originally Posted by Gallus View Post
Name: Ser Gallus Drey
Age: 20
Race: Human
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 185 lbs
Appearance: Gallus is unremarkable in every respect: he is of middling height and build, well-muscled but far from hulking, with the kind of face one sees in a crowd and forgets the moment it's out of sight. If there is one characteristic that sticks out, it's that he looks even younger than he really is, with short brown hair and wide green eyes that glint with curiosity.

History: Gallus Drey was born the youngest child of a minor noble from Corone. As such, he enjoyed all of the privilege and none of the responsibilities of his older siblings, and was free to spend his days exploring his father's estate, riding horses, and occasionally sneaking out to Radasanth when the luxuries of home bored him.

On the rare occasions his private tutors managed to keep him corralled he proved a bright, avid learner- if a bit lazy. He excelled in those subjects that interested him and disregarded those which didn't. It was an attitude that carried over to most of his endeavors: if Gallus enjoyed something, it seemed he was a natural, and if he didn't, he wouldn't spare it a modicum of effort.

Eventually the rise of a chivalric order of knights in Radasanth piqued the youngest Drey's interest, and with his father's blessing he left home to submit himself as a squire at the age of sixteen. For three years Gallus trained, until at the age of nineteen he was finally knighted. Almost immediately the Coalition in Corone moved to seize power. Radasanth was poised on the verge of chaos when his father's letter arrived, explaining that he'd arranged passage for his youngest son...to a mysterious land called Kebiras...

-Educated: While his knowledge is limited to the subjects he found exciting, Gallus has a strong grasp of history, mathematics, and science, as well as a passable understanding of the arcane- namely as it applies to healing.

-Horseman: The youngest Drey son spent much of his childhood in the stables, caring for his father's horses and spending as much time with them as possible. By the time he was accepted into the Order as a squire, he was already a proficient rider. His military training built on his strong foundation, and he learned to wield his sword from the saddle and remain upright even while galloping in full plate.

-Swordsman: While he lacks natural talent with a blade, and his footwork is far from grateful, Gallus did his best to learn the art of the sword during his time as a knight. His fundamentals are strong, if a bit lackluster, and he knows how to strike and parry fluidly, as well as care for and maintain his weapon.

-Politically Correct: Growing up the son of a noble- even a rather unimportant one- imposes upon oneself a certain sense of decorum. From a young age Gallus learned how to carry himself in and out of court, and his sense of etiquette has remained impeccable.


-Nobleborn: Because of his upbringing and his high expectations, people feel compelled to pay him a higher rate. He gets (5/10%) more gold as a result of threads he participates in.

-Higher Learning: Between his intensive studies as a youth and his natural cunning, Gallus perceives and intuits more than most. He gets (5/10%) more experience from completed threads.

-Unyielding: Despite his privileged background, Gallus believes strongly in the ideals he fights for. Surrender is not an option. Once per thread, he can ignore a grievous (if not immediately fatal) wound, fighting as if unaffected for three posts before succumbing to the injury.

-Rend: By focusing extreme determination and willpower, Gallus can strike with such force that his sword can cut through armor of the same tier. Can be used twice before he needs to rest.

-Armor: Gallus' armor consists of an unadorned leather jerkin over a cheap iron hauberk.

-Shield: Gallus carries a modestly sized kite shield crafted from weathered oak, devoid of any seal or crest.

-Weapon: A simple arming sword with an iron blade and a cruciform guard. The short hilt is wrapped in blackened leather and set with a large, circular pommel.
Hi Gallus, welcome to Althanas!

There's not really a lot to worry about, but I will need you to state clearly what gold boost you can receive from Nobleborn. Is it 5 or 10%

Sadly, we can't allow experience boosting abilities, in order to keep the playing field fair when it comes to levelling up. Please can you substitute this ability before we continue?

Thank you!