Ayvriel Leviasi ia Saiph
Location | Forest along the Tennaiglini, Salvar

“Ayvriel will do, Sir Mayrdoff,” she affirmed, the lilt of her voice melodious even as she sounded his name for the very first time.

“Considering that you found me trapped up a tree like a foolish little kitten, I think we can forgo the need for formalities.” A faint quirk of her lips gave her smile an impish cast, “Not to mention, ‘Lady’ merely adds a mouthful.” That, and it was the spellsinger’s inclination to abide by form and decorum only when the occasion made it an obligation.

Gentle laughter escaped her when the knight’s horse nuzzled at his face, for the beast’s affection only reassured the elven maiden once more that her saviour was a kind man. Placing her trust in him, Ayvriel inhaled a breath of frost touched air to bolster her courage… and took a small leap off the branch.

The world became a blur as she fell and fell–

–And when fear began to encroach upon her heart, an awaiting pair of arms closed firmly around her.

Her sapphire eyes widened even as her heart raced. “T… Thank you for coming to my aid. I would have fallen flat on my face otherwise.” While the spellsinger was dressed in a traveller’s garb of royal blue and storm grey, it was clear from its fine make that she was a personage of some distinction. And even to an inexperienced eyes, the embellishments of delicate mythril that adorned her attire denoted her allegiance and House.

“But I think after today… I could do with less adventures,” the elven maiden uttered, giving the bound orcs a glare. “I– If you do not mind a companion, can I trouble you for another few nights? Until we reach a town or city? I would like to recompense you for your armour and warhammer.”