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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Chris, Brother Gum...I know sometimes I can be a bit...sensitive about certain stuff. Tony called me Emo a few times...he was not that wrong hahah. But thing is...I been through a lot more bullshit than most people have. And like I UNDERSTAND people go through worse stuff than me all the time. Point is not kind. The reason I made that thread about THAT particular subject matter is because I was trying to show something that I had personally been through. Nosdyn's own situation in that thread was a lot different from my own...but similar.

    I just wanted to really SHOW what it's like to loose someone and literally have like NO WAY to stop it. Knowing full well they would have taken their own lives. Because I acted in the situation I spoke about earlier, I was able to prevent. The girl I speak about in the story as far as I'm aware of is still alive to this day because of me. Some other people might not have cared or not done the right thing or whatever. I took it upon myself to act. Despite how fucked up that particular situation got, and I DID eventually go back home after that I was no longer welcome in their house anyway, for whatever reason (Probably cause I'm Hispanic, I suspect her mom DID threaten me at one point) her mom hated my guts.

    As I posted in the earlier post...too often people only like to think a relationship is about the ONE person. But it takes TWO to make a relationship work and be healthy. As I stated earlier, I gave up my city, my home, and my family and friends. To go to be with this girl in a completely different state, well out of my element. From the last few times I talked to her..her mom had convinced her I was only after wet ass. Which wasn't actually the truth. But either way guys, thanks for reading this stuff...let's try to keep this convo going.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-22-2019 at 10:02 PM.

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