Similar to the way her old mentor sparred, Shinsou was unrelenting. As opposed to the ice she used, however, Shinsou was a master of fire. The twisted magical energy buffeted Felicity's magic sense. It was a toxic, sour magic filled with such potent evil, it caused bile to bubble up her throat. Felicity was... scared.

She stood there, frightened by the memories of her old violent sparring matches, as Shinsou moved.

The first fireball exploded, causing the abandoned building to burst into flame. The night was suddenly illuminated in the bright hostility of fire. Sharply opposed to the calm dim lights of the moon and stars, hellfire engulfed the entire building in a whirl of flame. As burning debris rained down from above, Felicity was trapped. She turned to see Shinsou, blinded by a magical rage similar to her own, aiming a fireball at her. Felicity winced, flashes of something familiar creeped from her memory. However, Felicity was awake enough to move by instinct. She blindly acted.

Reacting with raw survival reflex, avoiding the burning of the flames, Felicity dropped to her knees. The fireball flew over her head. Sweat already coated her body, yet she shivered in cold terror. Still, flashes of ice holding her in place as her old mentor "trained" her threatened to take over. Copycat was dropped, the long weapon useless in such close quarters. It was obvious she was unaccustomed to using the Akashiman sword. Shinsou’s new, violent style completely crushed the elegance of his first. This was something new. Felicity reverted back to all the things she was good at, abandoning learning to use the katana tonight. It was brighter than day as the fire roared behind them. Crouching, she brought a leg into a sweeping kick, meaning to unbalance the cruel firemage.

This was not how the training was supposed to go. She was once again threatened by her past trying to freeze her; while the present meant to roast her. Was this even Shinsou? She now knew what he felt like when her own powers blinded her in rage, her consciousness stolen by her own magic. Felicity leapt away, whether or not the kick hit, and attempted to move. Still, she fell again.

On the ground, she turned to see the hell tormented Shinsou glaring down in a menacing, ferocious manner. Teeth barred, forehead wrinkled, eyes glowing in cruelty. She had seen this before. Felicity instinctively pulled her arm in front of her, wincing as she looked away from the danger in front of her.

"Ayle-Shinsou! Stop!"

The past was hard to beat. She was not even thinking as it took over again. When would the cycle break?