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  1. #8

    EXP: 1,447, Level: 1
    Level completed: 73%, EXP required for next Level: 553
    Level completed: 73%,
    EXP required for next Level: 553

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    She's trying to teach me something... He observed very carefully. There was a history lesson in there someplace probably half truths and half lies but their cultures fascinated Archanex deeply. He, a hungry scholar, absorbed every word she spoke and was greedy for more. Everything she said deeply interested the older sorcerer, it was not too much different than when two geniuses of any other races met. He nodded to her as he watched her speak and eat the food he'd prepared for her. "...I see." Archanex said calmly after she was done talking. He'd very little knowledge of Althanas proper itself yet, but he was still learning and he was eagerly learning more all the time.

    He visualized the Grolluk in his mind, pretty similar to some aquatic monster types back home.

    He nodded once more. "I will watch the camp while you sleep don't worry I won't go anywhere." He said to her. That was the truth. His eyes narrowed for a moment "Me...I'm not from Dheathain originally...I'm from a land called Ayenee." He thought about what was safe to tell the locals, they would not understand things like other world traveling and other dimensions. "It is a land beyond Kebiras." He was willing to tell her, that wasn't a far stretch either. He just knew he could not be like...I'm a god damned would they react to that? He chuckled for a moment at the thought. He watched her enter her tent and go to sleep for the night.

    I'll watch her, I will watch all of them always...your adopted son... Archanex never slept. Instead, he started scribing things in his personal journals and parchments. Things with regards to his recent musings, his recent findings...he did not want to forget the details that he'd learned from her. So he wrote the things down in his people's original writing which was not Althanas common tongue. He went into a partial trance as he wrote the details he'd learned of Dheathain and even some of the history. He was no historian but he could fact check the girl later on.

    He was certain there was some actual truth mixed in there...The swampland was her home...something is adding up.... Archanex at some point in the morning hours of the next day Archanex started smoking his hemp pipe. It helped calm his nerves and he was certain the journey ahead would be a long one.
    Last edited by Archanex; 03-23-2020 at 11:41 AM.

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