“You can’t sneak up on me that easily.”

The half-dwarf must've thought he was clever, the anarchist mused as he tracked the small hulk of a man far before Ogun could have known. From the moment the tip of his spear reflected even the smallest amount setting twilight Reiker had his eyes on him. Taking the high ground by pole vaulting with his spear was a remarkable use of his skills and intellect. He knew Ogun had to be a very smart man but sneaking up on Reiker, even in the shadows, wasn’t easily accomplished. With a swift pivot on his heel, the Anarchist swung his arm catching the heirloom coin in his palm.

“Though that was a good try,” He scoffed before dropping the coin and breaking into a full dash towards the tavern.

Without aid Reiker lifted himself off the ground, pouncing like a tiger onto the balcony just meters away from Ogun. The anarchist was remarkably athletic, boasting twice as much agility and reflexes of a regular man. Though making the jump to the balcony was about the limit of what he could do and continue to do in his present condition. Reiker hadn't yet regained the total strength he lost from the time he spent incarcerated.

“I prefer a more personal approach,” a wicked grin covered what little of his face was visible. The rest covered in a fresh layer of bandages except for his eyes which seemed to glow ominously through his hooded cloak. “Don’t you agree?”

As if a blur Reiker’s hand moved for the hilt of his blade, a weapon he wasn’t fond of but knew he would need for now. Reaching for the final ray of twilight the anarchist brandished his iron shortsword, reflecting the last glimmer directly into Oguns eyes. The hilt of his blade was wrapped with an easily accessible layer of iron wire, a last resort Reiker was particularly proud of and takes sadistic pleasure implementing. Resting his blade at his hip Reiker shuffled forwards a step or two testing the exact point Ogun would react.

“The Pride doesn’t have any use for someone who can’t at least beat me in a fight,” Reiker said with a matter of fact tone, though bluffing as he had no intention of losing Ogun as an asset to the organization. He had also grown fond of the industrious dwarf in their short time together, a fact he’d never admit to though. “So show me exactly what you can do with that spear!”

Then the anarchist leaped into action as he winded like a viper towards the half-dwarf, twisting and contorting his body as he delivered a deadly slash of his sword. Mere child’s play to the fighter, but an opener none the less. Sure to be parried, blocker, or dodged Reiker was ready for Ogun's follow up. As long as his eyes remained focused on the tip of his spear he should be able to avoid his counterattack, his reflexes though dulled were more than enough he imagined.

And if not the two explosive charges strapped to his chest would be.

I won't be going out alone… the anarchist thought as he attacked.