Welcome to the 2020 signups for Althanas's most famous unofficial tournament, the Osiris Open!

The rules

There will be an initial entry fee of 100 gp per member. The sum of the fees, plus 1000 gp from my own funds and GP rewards forfeited by each loser, will make up the prize fund to be split between first (70%), second (20%) and third (10%).

The initial total pot for the tournament will be declared as soon as we know how many entrants are participating. The total pot will rise with each round by the amount of GP forfeited by the loser (NB: this is the GP you would normally be awarded for your posts in a thread and NOT deducted from your current GP total)!

Entrants' abilities will be locked at the level they enter at, and only one character per user will be allowed (no alts)

There will be a minimum of four and a maximum of twelve contenders, with battles will be fought in knockout format.

The arena for each fight will be set by Shinsou Vaan Osiris, but the name / theme of the arena will be selected by players on a first come, first serve basis. Go for the name you think best suits you!

Unlike official tournaments, there will be no posting time limits.

Each round will last two weeks, with one week for judging.


Threads will be judged in accordance with the Osiris Open rubric. Rewards will be issued in accordance with workshop rules for both contestants (i.e EXP and GP rewarded as if each person had scored 65).

The loser in each battle will have their GP reward instead go towards the final prize fund. This is made up for by the amount of EXP you gain as above, which in most cases will be much more than a loser would normally get.

The Story section of the rubric will be replaced by a special section dedicated to the battle itself; Combat. I will make sure that additional credit is given to particularly good plot in the wildcard section, though, so don't fear.

Combat will consist of three catagories:

- Strategy: How good were your tactics? How well did you utilise your grey matter to overcome your opponent?

- Resourcefulness: How well did you use your abilities and the components of your arena?

- Execution: Did your chosen approach work? Did you land and take hits? Points here for the ultimate culmination of your efforts, and bonus points for conceding or inflicting an in-character defeat with style.


1. Gum do Mugu
2. Double D
3. Philomel
4. Storm Veritas
5. Aure Drakshal
6. Tyr
7. Ulrich
8. Ebi

Current pot

700 GP from Entrance fees
1000 GP from Shinsou
3000 GP donation from Nosdyn

Available Arenas: Round One

1. The Obsidian River (TAKEN BY PHILOMEL)
2. Ruins of Radasanth (TAKEN BY GUM)
4. The Celestial Rings (TAKEN BY TYR)
5. The Boneyard (TAKEN BY DOUBLE D)
6. Mirror, Mirror ( TAKEN BY AURE)

Round One Bracket

Storm Veritas vs Aure Drakshal (Whitevale)
Philomel vs Gum do Mugu (Ruins of Radasanth)
Ulrich vs Double D (The Boneyard)
Ebi vs Tyr (The Celestial Rings)