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    EXP: 87,404, Level: 12
    Level completed: 81%, EXP required for next Level: 2,596
    Level completed: 81%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,596

    Lye's Avatar


    Lichensith Ulroke

    Lye Level 10: An Absolute Force of Will

    ((This profile contains Adult Themes and Graphic Content. Advised for those of the age of 18 or older.))


    Name: Lichensith "Lye" Ulroké
    Race: Human
    Age: 32
    Hair Color: Platinum (Long), Front bangs long enough to be clipped in back.
    Eye Color: Emerald (Left), Clouded Jade (Right)
    Height: 6 feet
    Weight: 195lbs
    Appearance: [Click Here] Tall, Pale, Lean Muscle, Chiseled Features, Serpentine Eyes, Massive Scars Right Eye.
    Personality: Dark, Brooding, Cunning, Semi-Charming.




    • Arctic Beast Fur Cloak
    • Black Leather Vest with Iron Studs
    • Black Denim Leggings held on with black leather straps (Think ninja pants with the slits to the sides)
    • Black 8" Leather Boots with 1060 Carbon Steel axe-blades fixed to the heels.
    • Crimson Vlince Scarf



    Exotic Weapon Mastery:

    Ever since taking an affinity to murder, Lye has trained in the more unique forms of weaponry. He is masterfully talented in their use compared to traditional equipment. This includes: Eastern Blades, Punching Daggers, Chain Weapons, Hidden Blade Weapons, Scythes and Bladed Boots.

    Traditional Weapon Mastery:

    His earlier years employed the use of traditional arms and he had relinquished their use the day his wife was murdered. This was his personal commitment to abandon the blades he knew. The years have deteriorated his knowledge of combat form and styles, but he is still exceptionally skilled in their use. These include: Short Swords, Long Swords, Bastard Swords, Great Blades, Axes, Pole Arms, Staves, Crossbows, and Bows.

    Throwing Weapon Mastery:

    Practiced since his days struggling in the wilderness as a child, Lye has mastered the skill of any thrown weapon. He has an innate ability to sense the balance of the weapon and force needed to rotate it to point. He can strike objects as small as one inch with deadly accuracy. This ability ranges up into medium sized projectiles such as his own blades, chain weapons, or one handed blades. He is only moderately skilled with two handed throwing weapons such as javelins and spears.

    Hand to Hand Combat Mastery:

    Dealing in very feral situations during his youth with only his bare hands and bone skills, Lye is masterfully skilled in hand to hand combat. He does not adopt any one particular style, but can move like water around a foe in combat. His footwork keeps on par in perfect sync with his upper body, combining a flurry of kicks and knee blows into his brawling repertoire. His kicking skill is superior to his punching ability and as a result, he wears bladed boots to maximize their lethality.

    Anatomy of the Living :

    From years of dismantling and murdering various living beings, Lye has established a strong affinity to anatomical composition. He is able to strike with critical precision on humans and he is most familiar with their anatomy. Simple wild beasts and the like are also well understood. The minute differences in other humanoid races occasionally cause error in precision, but by a minimal margin of 3%. Constructs and non humanoid life forms are not familiar, but due to combined knowledge of other living creatures, he is usually able to make a quick study for weaknesses.


    This encompasses all the skills needed to survive in the wilderness. Lye is able to discern edible plants from poisonous, skin & quarter a kill, craft makeshift shelter, climb trees, gather materials, and tend to injuries. This applies to knowledge of specific herbs, animal tracking, and medicinal remedies.


    A recent flashback awakened Lye’s knowledge of skills taught to him by his late wife, Isabelle. She was an alchemist by trade and used a unique natural magic to expedite processing time. This was done through the use of a magical flask crafted by her people. Even without this flask, Lye is moderately skilled in the crafting of poisons, antidotes, remedies, and other strange concoctions. He is able to recall several recipes off memory and is capable of associating like compounds to accomplish a desired effect.


    The assassin has vigorously trained his body and has become far more limber than the average Althanian. He has an acute sense to his own body and how to manipulate it through an area. Although this does not make him faster or more agile, it does allow him to perform a broader range of movements both on the ground and in the air.


    Lye is fluent in the following:
    • TradeSpeak
    • Salvan (Including Skavian Dialect)
    • Demonic
    • Undead/Spirit
    • Feral (Anthropomorphic Tribes)


    Lye is fluent in the following:
    • Tradespeak
    • Salvan (Including Skavian Dialect)
    • Demonic
    • Runic



    Master Assassin:
    Lye has been deemed a master assassin after years of training. He has experienced pain, trauma, and relentless onslaught. The scars given through years of learning through trial and error have built up his senses, stamina, and resilience. Should he ever fail to assassinate a target, he is more than capable of engaging in long term combat.
    • Can endure strain of exertion seven times as long as the normal Althanian. Should a man only last 5 minutes in combat before coming fatigued, Lye can last 35 minutes.]
    • Has agility eight times that of an average Althanian. Blocking and dodging projectiles is as effortless as swatting falling feathers from the air. This also permits him to exercise a flurry of strikes (6-8) in the same time it would take a normal man a single blow (1). It permits split second actions and changes of direction.

    [strike]Flock of Shadows:
    Over his years serving with the Crimson Hands, Lye has developed an uncanny relationship with the ravens he uses as messenger birds. Through their indirect ties both magical and natural, Lye can invoke a flock of ravens to his side. Rumored to have blocked out the sun with their numbers, these birds descend upon their prey in a storm of wings, talons, beaks, and maddening caws. While not terribly lethal, they do serve a primary purpose to distract or disable.
    • Calls upon a total of 15 ravens.
    • The flock descends for the duration of 30 seconds (2 posts), then disperses.
    • While the primary threat is their beaks or talons, their caws can be just as maddening and deafening.
    • If indoors, these intelligent birds will find a way in through windows, chimneys, or vents.
    • Much like a swarm of bees, these birds are unleashed on a target. Their individual actions cannot be controlled, but the birds will strive to strip all meat from the bone or peck, claw, and scratch at whatever they can. Eyes are a delicacy to them.
    • The birds are simply that: birds. They can be swatted from the sky, stepped on, or lit aflame. Keep in mind, ravens are much larger than most of their avian kin.

    Bone Manipulation
    "These skills cause minimal bleeding,
    mostly pain which can be tolerated
    through years of built resistance."

    Increased Bone Strength:
    Through his mysterious heritage, Lye's bones will ever remain stronger than normal and only grow in durability throughout his life's training. Although resistant to deep wounds and dismemberment, he is still susceptible to bleed-out and crushing/denting blows. His rib cage and pelvis are joined by a sub dermal array of bones similar to chain-mail. This resists piercing and deep laceration to the softer parts of the torso. Along his neck and soft tissues of his limbs, cartilage has interwoven with the muscle fibers on a microscopic scale. This increases his resistance to slashes, but not piercing. It slightly resists bludgeons.
    • Bone strength is equivalent to 1060 high-carbon steel.
    • Soft tissues of the neck and limbs are equivalent to iron chainmail.

    [strike] Reaper's Bounty:
    By controlling the cellular alignment of his bones, Lye can bring them forth from his forearms, protruding from his skin and extending up to 3 feet past his hands in the shape of a blade. While stabbing a victim with this attack, Lye is capable of absorbing the marrow of his prey. This carries the potential to assimilate unique talents or skills that the victim "used to" have. Effects of stolen skills can range from short term to permanent. In order to maintain permanence, his victim must be heavily crippled or die, and Lye must consume 80% of all marrow within the body. It takes his body time to fully assimilate the material, and permanently stolen abilities require time to awaken to full potential.
    • Skill can be used as a basic blade, but must make contact and maintain contact with bone in order to absorb marrow.
    • Can generate five (5) removable needle projectiles made of condensed bone from his palm. These can be pulled out or shot out at about 200 f/s. These needles can root themselves much like the ones he purchased. Should these roots contact marrow, they can begin to process marrow and transfer the benefits to their host.
    • Duration of a marrow stealing attack must be in contact with bone for a total of 15 seconds. This can be broken up in intervals until complete.
    • Only one stolen skill per character level is allowed.
    • Skills can be temporarily stolen for the duration of the battle if only 25% of the marrow is absorbed (5 second drain)

    Sentient Bone:
    Lye’s anatomy has begun to evolve, primarily in regards to his bones and marrow. Being something he can manipulate and change at will, it has begun to take on more responsibilities than structural support. It now functions as a multipurpose organ. Some of the benefits of which will be below:
    • Marrow processes poisons exceptionally fast, reducing effectiveness and duration by 100%. He is now immune to poisons. Even in the face of the deadliest toxins, Lye will suffer a slight stuffy nose or sneeze at most..
    • Marrow combats disease and plague at an exceptional rate hindering symptoms and duration by 100%. The deadliest diseases and afflictions may give him a headache or soreness at most.
    • Any malformations or breaks can repair in under a minute.
    • If a limb is severed, it can be reattached in under a minute, but only by the bone. Soft tissue will still bleed.
    • If major muscle tissue is damaged, the bones will continue to allow movement at 80% capacity.
    • If body loses enough blood to cause mortality, the marrow will circulate a small reserve to the brain to sustain a coma-like status for several weeks. If not treated, the brain will suffocate and the subject will terminate.
    • This ability cannot take effect if the damage to the skeletal structure is catastrophic. (Every bone broken or crushed, or cut into multiple pieces.)
    • The ability to mend bone becomes diminished if used continually within a day's (24 hours) time. If he ever gets to the point of mending each bone in his body once, the bones will be brittle and shattered with a simple punch. A period of 8 hours of rest is needed to return bones to their initial strength or he can opt to feed upon a corpse's marrow. One of the two.
    • Since the soft tissues of his body are laced with a small hexagonal framework of iron strength cartilage, any cuts he suffers can be mended with a mesh of bone fibers. This only takes a few seconds and only stops external and internal bleeding. Any damage to muscles or bones underneath will remain until properly healed trough magic or passage of time.
    • Any part of his skeletal anatomy can be shattered, reformed, or mutated. This allows for extreme flexibility, new joints, relocation of internal organs, shielding of certain areas in bone, and spike like protrusions from the body. The spiked can be broken off and used if he wills it. Doing so is like suffering broken bones. He can create up to two dozen spikes. If he breaks off all of them, the remaining bones in his body will be normal Althanian strength. Spikes can be any size up to a maximum length of three feet. Three foot segments can be fused together for various applications.

    [Strike]Viral Contingency:
    After the Briarheart, Madison Freebird, implanted several thorned vines around his heart, Lye's unique body began to attack the foreign invader. Unlike most bodies that would create infection and shut down nearby tissue, Lye's unusual ability to manipulate bone slowly penetrated the vines over time. Small cells of his marrow invaded the hostile form and like his reaping ability, began to take on some of its unique properties. Now, his blood and bones are infected with a hybrid virus hostile to all except the host body.
    • Whenever Lye's bone abilities contact an enemy's blood, bones, or organic tissue, the virus transmits. Blood to blood contact can also transmit the virus.
    • The virus begins to affect the enemy quickly, weakening their bones and sapping stamina. Two posts after initial infection, the target's bones become as weak as wood and thus easier to break. Combat and movement is twice as laboring to the new host.
    • Three posts in, their body begins to exhibit pain as calcium and carbon are relocated to random locations on the body. This, in turn, makes those locations hard as iron but only the size of a baseball. Only one site is affected at this stage, meaning one baseball sized concentration of stronger bone.
    • Four posts in, another node of condensed bone forms on the host body. All other bones are now brittle as glass.
    • Five posts in, the host's body is now peppered with small sites of exposed bone which cause horrible pain. These sites are about the size of a golf ball and there are a maximum of 10 of them throughout the body.
    • If the host is still alive after ten posts, Lye now has basic puppeteering control over the host body. He can crudely move their bodies like a shambling corpse. With all other bones brittle as glass, these puppeted hosts have very limited use before the body exhausts and fails.
    • This ability acts like a disease, but is technically Lye's own cells invading a foreign host. His cells attack, consume and replicate inside the host cells. After complete infection, these calcified bones and nodes are able to be manipulated by his bone control.
    • The only way to undo the damage is for Lye to suck the infected cells from the host body using a bone ability or via a specialized serum made from the plasma in his own blood.

    Shadow Control

    Shadow Step:
    Lye is now able to snap between planes by tethering his form to the shadows of his weapons. A special magical bond must be made with these weapons for the ability to work. Essentially, anywhere his blades exist, he can snap out of the Althanian plane of existence, into the shadow plane, and back into Althanas with his grip and body attached to the weapon. This works up to 100 yards (football field).
    • Can be used up to five times, with a two post cool down per usage.
    • Works only on weapons listed in this profile. Cannot be used on impromptu weapons or other player weapons.
    • His disappearance and reappearance are also signified by wisps of black smoke.
    • Maximum distance able to teleport at any one time is 100 yards
    • If weapon is thrown, he must wait until it arrives at desired location before being able to shadow step. Thrown weapons travel at about 95 MPH.
    • This does not work on his throwing needles or rope knife, only knives and associated bladed or blunt weapons of equal or greater size.
    • If weapon is in flight when shadow step initiates, momentum is halted by his grip, and he begins to fall unless another throw is made followed by another shadow step. (Look up Kingsglaive Warping on Youtube.)

    Shadow Possession:
    Lye is able to use shadows to envelope and possess inanimate objects. By using this skill he can control the movements of the objects to his advantage. This most commonly applies to his throwing weapons or any light weight projectile he uses. While enchanted, objects are black as night and will not reflect light.
    • Can be used twice per post, with 15 maximum uses per day.
    • Possessed Items remain under control until willingly abolished.
    • Maximum Simultaneous Possession: 15 items
    • Maximum combined object weight: 200 lbs
    • This can now lift a light person. He can restrict their movement, but only as if the person were wading through quicksand. Max lift is 30 feet. He can slam them with enough force to break normal bones or dent iron/steel armor. It can also be used to throw back light persons 30 feet. If they were to slam into a solid wall, this too may break bone. It cannot be used to strangle, disarm, or other similar pinpoint control once a human is possessed.

    Shadow Meld:
    By wrapping himself in the surrounding shadows, Lye makes himself unseen to the untrained eye. During a shadow meld he is able to move between shadows while still cloaked, so long as the distance is minimal. This skill is maintained best in low-stress situations, where no one is actively searching for him, but has a short duration during combat or alerted situations.
    • He is only able to hide in shadows large enough to wrap a body.
    • To remain cloaked between shadows, distance must be within 15 feet.
    • Source and destination shadows must be large enough to maintain full body coverage.
    • During Non-Combat, skill duration is indefinite.
    • During Combat, skill duration can carry over a maximum of 3 full posts (3 minutes), with a cool down of 3 full posts (3 minutes).

    Shadow Meld has been improved due to Lye’s growing affinity to darkness. He has established the ability to sync himself with the Shadow Plane for a brief amount of time, allowing his form to seem solid but act as though ethereal. This will give the illusion of items or blows passing through his body as though he was a specter. No changes to his appearance indicate the use of this skill and it may be used in broad daylight. He has not yet mastered this skill and can only sync his energy with the plane for a brief moment of time. Once the sync is broken, his energies are destabilized and must take time to recover.
    • Sync is maintained for 1 Minute (5 posts) at most, allowing to negate several projectiles or strikes.
    • Sync only applies to full body and user cannot inflict damage while phasing between planes.
    • If combined with enough speed, he may phase through walls (600 ft Depth)
    • Destabilization takes 12 seconds (1 post) to recover from on first use. Consecutive usages require an additional 12 seconds (1 post) recovery (1,2,3).
    • If destabilization occurs while phasing through solid material, massive internal damage will occur.

    Hex Magic
    (Obtained from Seth Dahlios atop the Onyx Tower from Althanas 1.0)

    Shared Masochism:
    By saying the words "understand my pain", either used alone or in a sentence, Lye can activate this skill. When activated, all pain that Lye is feeling for the duration of the skill is broadcast from his body and applied to sentient life within that range. The pain they feel is relevant to individual pain tolerance. This skill is often paired with his bone manipulation, causing pain equivalent to pulverized bone upon his victims.
    • Cool-down for this skill is 2 minutes (approx 10 posts) after effect terminates.
    • Duration is 1 minutes (5 posts).
    • Maximum radius is 30ft.
    • Pain is mimicked equally to the enemy.
    • This skill can only be used a maximum of 2 times in a day (24 hours).
    • Now, the wounds occurred during this spell will transfer to those within its effect. This includes fractured bones with his bone manipulation. Unlike him, enemies heal these wounds at their own individual rates. Thusly, if a foe can heal a large gash in seconds, they will heal while the gash on Lye will remain. If Lye is healed, of said gash and his foe does not have any special traits, the gash will remain until said foe can heal it.

    Sin Harvest:
    By saying "penance for your sins", either used alone or in a sentence, Lye activates this ability. When activated, a ball of dark crimson energy forms within the palm of his hand. Once at maximum charge, the bolt of energy is fired at the target. Once it travels mid distance, the projectile breaks into three smaller units. Each projectile is the same and will trace a full lifetime. These split projectiles break wide, then converge on the target with 20% homing deflection. Only one must strike to trace the full amount. If the attack connects, the energy retraces the victim's past and inflicts grievous wounds for each sin upon that person, including the original seven deadly sins. This ability has potential to kill. If hit by his own attack, Lye takes twice the damage the attack would originally do. This skill can only inflict injury once per sin, and the sin is considered absolved after the fact.
    • Charge Time: 1 Second
    • Duration: Instant upon contact.
    • Use: Once per thread or in-game day, whichever is shorter.
    • Trace time: Since Birth/Creation
    • Types of sins and their damage:
      • Murder -- 4" cut 2" deep at site of killing blow.
      • Adultery -- 1" Diameter spot of Necrosis on genitalia.
      • Theft -- 2" Patch of 3rd degree Burn on hands
      • Unprovoked Assault -- Bruise or Cut equivalent to final blow of engagement.
      • Fatal Deception -- Partial blindness or muteness per incident.
      • Rape -- Complete Necrosis of genitalia spreading to the body by 3" diameter per repeat event.
      • Dismemberment -- 1" deep cut along site of lost limbs
      • Wrath - 1 degree body temperature increase per every instance the victim acted out in anger, revenge, or hatred.
      • Envy - Starting at the tips of the fingers, 1" spread of Gangrene for every action taken out of jealousy, envy, or yearning.
      • Lust - 5 bpm increase to heart rate for every intimate encounter motivated by lust, obsession, or blind infatuation.
      • Pride - For each tale told in boasting or bragging, the victim ages 6 months.
      • Gluttony - One 3mm stomach ulcer or each instance the victim gorged themselves on food or drink over what was needed to sustain themselves.
      • Sloth - Full body paralysis depending on how often the victim putt off hard work in favor of a nap, relaxation, or pleasure. Lasting for 10 seconds per event.
      • Greed - Victim has one memory of happiness or serenity erased per event where they took more than they needed or received when they should have given.

    Absolute Will

    ​ Against My Will:
    Lye has permanently lost his vision in his right eye thanks to Elthas Balthesar, an undead elven wraith. Yet, from his years of horrid punishment and ill fortune, Lye has developed a sixth sense. His will, now adamant from outside forces, is able to detect outside forces in his immediate proximity. Unless the force is of his will or that of natural existence, Lye will notice it as a hazy blur of light and be able to act or get a better look with his good eye. Objects in motion glow brighter and are more noticeable.
    • This ability is passive and always active.
    • This ability notices movement in a stoic environment. Specifically movement from anything out of place with its environment. (i.e. A human in a forest.)
    • This ability can also notice stationary objects that are unnatural to their surroundings. (i.e. A needle in a haystack)
    • This ability is not effected by blinding light, dust, smoke, or fog. It permits limited vision through these conditions even with eyes closed.
    • This ability also applies to "unseen" forces that are invisible to the naked eye.
    • The range of this ability is only 75m (250ft) and is 360 degrees circular.

    If I Will It
    Lye's will has become absolute to the point it can affect reality. While he has not yet succeeded in willing something out of existence, he has succeeded in willing objects into existence. While still in its infancy, the ability proves useful on numerous occasions. There does exist several limitations, however. The most important being, the object must have existed in at least one point of time on Althanas and the duration is limited.
    • This ability can only be used three times per day.
    • The object summoned can be no larger than a human being and must be inanimate.
    • The object exists for only 5 seconds before it is ripped back to where ever it existed.
    • The object can be as simple or complex so long as it has once existed on Althanas.
    • The object can be made of any material so long as it has once existed on Althanas.
    • If the object summoned has any advanced properties such as enchants or technological function, it must be linked in-thread to where it once existed. Otherwise, this is power gaming.
    • For objects that are plain in nature, they do not need to be linked (swords, shields, bows, etc)
    • If the object can fire a projectile, it is summoned into existence with at least one projectile to be fired.

    Fall Away:

    Lye's force of will transcends reality. He can bending it, shape it, and mold it a short he sees fit. As soon a second he does, however, the world no longer exists as it incense did. His will and the place he has created breaks away from reality and becomes hos own personal plane of existence. This phenomenon has bound itself to a simple phrase, and by uttering it, the world become so his own. All he has to say is "fall away".

    • This ability can only be used once per day.
    • The are area of effect is only a 30 meter radius around him. Objects and people wishing that AoE are pulled into his realm.
    • The independent realm looks just like Althanas at the point in time Lye utters the phrase except time has frozen. The realm has an invisible barrier in a 300m radius of where Lye stood as it was created.
    • People or creatures that were pulled in cannot leave until the world collapses, Lye is killed, or he breaks it back to Althanas.
    • In this world, Lye doesn't tire. His abilities have no cool downs or limits. And only he may decide if those captive in his realm may or may not die despite otherwise fatal wounds.
    • This realm can hold Lye indefinitely within it if he is alone.
    • If someone else has joined him, they will only be subject to its effects for 4 posts (for any combat or "unwilling player". For player approved storylines, they may remain as long as the players agree to it or as long as Lye can ICly hold it which is entirely dependent on the other player's will)
    • Players with "will powers" can decrease time unwillingly spent there by the percentage of their immunity. If they are immune, then only Lye will Fall Away.
    • Clones of objects will fall into Lye's realm but the originals will exist in the original realm of Althanas. The clones can be brought back into Althanas after the realm breaks so long as Lye is in posession of it. (Subject to typical loot rules if items are claimed as loot at thread end.)

    [strike] Frost Fire:
    After having his own men imprison, torture, and break him, Lye has begun to drift away from that which makes most human. His morality has become incredibly grey, his memories of a time long past are lost. He feels empty, cold, unfeeling. From this, a new power has emerged. A fire of ever consuming nothingness. A blue fire of frost.

    All he has to do is snap his fingers and whatever is locked into his line of sight will begin to burn, starting at the size of a common torch and growing until the assassin dismisses it with another snap of his fingers. There is a slight delay from the snap to the catching blaze, and should a target move from the original point of view within a few seconds, they can avoid being the start of the fire. Therefore, this move struggles to hit moving targets unless precisely lead and is most effective on unaware foes or within small enclosures.

    • Burns as though everything is made of wood - slow spreading.
    • Instead of charring and heating material, it deep freezes it as though dipped in liquid nitrogen.
    • Can only be put out or countered with normal fire.
    • Can be used once a day.
    • Target of initial starting point must be within a 15' diameter of the caster.
    • 3 Second delay from snap of fingers to initial blaze.
    • Once the flame has deeply frozen the affected material, it will act as embers do with charred wood. It is safer to tread upon, but being in contact with it for a cumulative ten seconds or more can cause the fire to reignite. Unless, that is, the fire has been dismissed by the caster.
    • Charred terrain looks like frozen tundra, but with a faint blue, hazy glow. This is also marked with soft hissing and cracking commonly heard from ice.
    • The caster and any equipment on his person at time of casting, are immune to these effects.
    • Anyone touching the caster that they will protection upon will also be immune to these effects.

    Background Information

    It is legend, that in the ancient times of the Forbidden Lands, there were five kings. Each king possessed an equal share of this land, but not only did they own this piece of land, they also held colossal power. Each King and the family’s blood line held the amazing ability to command five chaotic energies.

    The First was Paulson, a lord of might and pure brawn. The nobles of his people were unmatched by the other kings in strength, for this man controlled raging fire and molten rock. Then there was Mizunthos, a lord of water, ice, and snow. His followers were brave and persistent through all that was thick and thin. Zecksylph was a lord of the thunder and winds. His people were known for their wisdom, speed, and intense emotions. Rumors spoke that his men could move with speed so great, their footsteps would never mark the earth. Ramus, a lord of healing, life, and flight. His followers were peaceful, yet possessed the powerful ability to end a life by placing thin needles in specific areas of the body. Only the royal family of his people had the ability to give life to the lifeless and mend wounds by will. Lastly, was a lord of death, decay, and hatred. This lord was Odinsvin. His people were embraced by the urge to draw blood from the weak and innocent. Yet, only the royal family possessed the sickening power to manipulate their bones into weapons and wield shadows to their whim. This royal family also controlled the realm of pain through mysterious spells and incantations.

    Though, these kingdoms differed greatly, they were at peace. A peace that was short lived. On one fateful day, a celebration occurred and the five kings joined together to lay claim to the last piece of unexplored land. Celebrations and dine were unmatched by any in record. Though, during the midst of the party, Paul began to act unusual. His hands began to shake, growing swiftly into violent convulsions. Pain coursed through the king's body and he cried tears of blood, until his eyes rolled back into his head. His final, wet coughs of life spit poisoned blood into the air. In a last convulsion, his chest popped loudly and he lay silent. Paulson... was dead...

    Such a controversial event could only traced to the king of darkness and deception. Odinsvin was blamed for the murder of Paulson and he admitted it with a devilish grin. Odinsvin had poisoned the water wells of their kingdom using his myriad of dark arts. The other lords were quick to take up the flags of war. Next to fall was Mizunthos and his clan. As he and his men fell, they rose back to their feet, controlled by their shadows and fought as dark puppets. None of the kings expected such a devastation and soon, the lord of the skies was slain by the sheer numbers of dark puppets. Just he did with Mizunthos’s people, the dark kind took hold of Zecksylph’s. The war climaxed with Odinsvin and Ramus standing at quarrel. Ramus was able to fend off the dark army of puppets by using their needles to immobilize the puppets' limbs. Although they seemed to have found a way to stave off their obliteration, a long term engagement seemed grim for both forces. For 7years and a day they fought. They fought until the last civilian fell dead upon the blood stained fields of the Forbidden Lands. At last, only two royal families were left to wage war. Locked in stalemate, they proposed a pact. Since their wives were both slain in battle, the king’s agreed to rule the land together in exchange for one another’s daughters.

    Upon the day of their very first offspring, both the lords found that their children had no royal traits. No abilities over shadows or light. Exhausted and dying from the long term effects of his abilities, Odinsvin laid a curse upon Ramus. Odin pledged that one day, a child born of his line would be heir to the blood of his royal family and reign supreme over the weak. He vowed that this child would be stronger than himself and lead a path of death to everything Ramus would create and hold dear. Ramus, being a man of the light, harbored the children of the dark king, to once again fill the world with people.

    Centuries later the land was again at peace under the rule of a common king for Ramus too, had passed away peacefully from old age. A near timeless span of peace ensued, as the world we know today came to be know. However, on a small island of tribal people, a child was conceived shortly after the mother had passed. The manner of the conception should have been impossible, yet the baby was perfectly healthy. The people of that time knew of the kings legend and feared the return of a dark king. A superstitious people, exiled the father and child to sea out of fear. This was common of those born with defects or unnatural means, since the people believed it was by the lineage of Odinsvin, they caused such pain.

    While at sea, the child’s father wrapped his son in the black silks of his clothes to keep it safe from the sun. Yet, after being out at sea for only a few months, the father had ran out of food and supplies and began to die. The child, on the other hand, seemed to grow livelier while his father grew weak - almost as if feeding off of his father’s diminishing health. Alas, the small boat hit foreign shore and in hopes to save his child, the father cast the boy to shore and fell into the sand...dead...

    Hours later, a common farming couple discovered the abandoned babe. The heat of the sun had taken its toll and put the boy within the realms of death. The family was fortunate to nurse the child back to health, and after several years of treating the infant as their own, they named him Lichensith Ulroke. In their old tongue, it meant "Child of the Black Cloth". They chose this name to always remember the day they found the infant in black silks. Years went by as they taught young Lye love and hard work. They taught him compassion and trained him in the use of daggers and blades for self protection. They taught him the use of the bow and everything seemed perfect up until this 16th birthday.

    That night, Lye woke to screams. His heart pounded in fear as his feet padded softly to the door of his adoptive parents' room. The door was shut tight, yet in the dark, at the base of the door, Lye could picture out what seemed to be... a bloody paw print?! Praying that it could just be his mind, Lye felt something warm lick at his bare feet. It was not a creature, but a warm, sticky liquid - blood.
    Paralyzed in fear and haunted by the need to know, Lye let his quivering hand press against the bedroom door. The young man shouted in terror to what his tear-filled eyes fell upon. His parents lie dismembered, torn, mangled, and bleeding in a pile atop their bed. A slight mumble perked his hopes in the darkness when a loud wet thud sounded. Now only silence. Through eyes of sorrow fear, Lye noticed two yellow spheres gazing at him. Terror set in and, he stumbled backwards to see a panther advance on him with blinding speed. Again a wet slap sounded as Lye collapsed to the ground, a stinging pain over his right eye. Through blurred vision from his own blood, Lye gazed up to a yet another raised claw. In agony he shut his eyes and held up his hand - a last resort. With a roar, the cat dropped its paw for the final blow.
    Lye paused... He was alive? But something was not right. He started to open his good eye only to shoot both wide at the sight. The panther’s body was twitching violently, speared through the skull by a prong of bone, jutting from the boy's own hand...

    The next morning, the village guard chased him out of town for the assumed murder of his foster parents. Lye felt anguish; all he tried to do was love his parents. Love turned to anger, and anger began to fuel his life. It kept him alive as he forged for his own in the wilderness. He killed for food, practicing his new ability. At first, the pain was enormous, barely able to stand the shifting of bones. Through the days, the pain dwindled and the wounds sustained were quick to close. Though, even past his new training, the wound over his right eye never healed properly, leaving him a scar to mark him in remembrance of that day.

    The young boy spent many of his years in the woods trying to fend for himself. He learned many hard lessons, such as survival of the fittest, and all the skills necessary to maintain himself. Even for a gifted boy such as he, the woods proved too dangerous. Nature herself nearly killed Lye in a brutal winter. Unable to hunt, keep fire, or shelter, Lye found himself mindlessly wandering until he collapsed. A passing guard of Salvar Knights discovered Lye and he was taken in by their ranking officer. Realizing the athletic potential of the boy, the Captain of the Guard gave him shelter, food, and a warm place to sleep. He only asked that Lye offer himself to the king, and train to be one of the guard. With life in one hand, and freezing cold in the other, Lye chose to accept this offer.

    By his 18th birthday, Lye had made a strong reputation for himself. At first, being a ball of untamed angst, he finally calmed to become a decent soldier. Through his training, he developed a close rivalry and friendship with a boy named Matthaemus. The two caused quite a stir with their youthful antics and as punishment for a particularly good prank, each was sent to harsh posts to serve for the rest of their careers. During his journey to his post, Lye found himself lost in the high mountains and trapped in a blinding blizzard. Poorly provisioned and uncertain he would find his destination, he eventually stumbled upon a make-shift home. Little to his knowledge, this home was occupied by another, Isabelle Foxhearte.

    Surprised and slightly offended, the young woman did not much care for this unwelcome guest. There was something about his eyes that intrigued her. She quickly had a change of heart and seeing as how the young man was nearly out of food, crafted him a meal using the practice of alchemy. In a discussion about his assignment, Lye realized that he mission he was sent on was a death sentence. Learning from this girl that she had seen similar men meet their fates up here, Lye felt betrayed and sullen. Isabelle, not having company on her own ventures for years, offered to have him join her, wherever the winds may take them.

    The couple ventured on for a few years, and as the seasons came and went, they grew feelings for one another. They settled down in the city of Corone, where they had a child. Kaylee was but a year old when Lye had gone out for some simple groceries. Upon his return, he had found his fiance murdered, and his daughter nowhere to be found. While holding her cold body in his arms, he noticed a flask roll from her hands with a piece of bloodied paper within. Lye read the paper and recognized the script from his days of training, "Come and find me". Lye flew into a rage, tearing up his home, and landing himself in the Corone prison. Matthaemus, his assumed close friend and rival. Why would he do this? Was it the cost of desertion? It didn't matter... he had to pay.

    Using his abilities and training, Lye slipped away from prison under the cover of night. He banned himself from people and traveled with wandering groups, taking only the clothes off his back, and a treasured crimson scarf Isabelle had made for him on the day of Kaylee's birth. He soon found himself unable to keep company. The images of his dead family haunted him. Lye grew cold, merciless, and angry. To feel alive, he took up dirty jobs to inflict pain upon others for money. The feeling of spreading his pain to another began to obsess him. He could not sleep without wanting to find Matthaemus and rip his heart from his chest. His jobs grew in intensity, Lye began taking lives for money, offering his skills to anyone with coin, just so he could afford food to eat. He could have done other work, but the feel of the kill made him feel that much closer to exacting revenge. In time, he didn't even accept coin for the kill, and became an uncontrolled assassin. His obsession flew on the words of man earning him titles of "Crimson Killer" and "Crimson Assassin" among the wandering tribes. Rumors told of a man wearing dark clothes, only distinguished by his ghastly unkempt hair, and a long crimson scarf.

    Lye continued his rampage, forgetting his reasons for his actions. He simply enjoyed watching the life leave a man's eyes. He would not kill women nor children, but that isn't to say he would not leave his mark upon their bodies. Lye became a monster, a beast, praying off the adventurer and wanderers of the countryside. He craved more, and became sly about his methods. He started using deception and cunning in his kills. He advanced his techniques to kill victims without them seeing it coming. That shock of pain and death and fall from happiness was even more thrilling to him than screams of terror. He advanced further, using his words, shadows, and mysterious charm to turn families and lovers against each other. Still, he craved more.

    At the age of 25 Lye finally was ready to emerge into society. Now, thousands of miles from his original home, he took up a new nest for his hobby. He took up dangerous jobs with adventurers, using his abilities to kill them off in secret and blaming the deaths on perils that never happened. Along his line of dirty work, Lye met a man that he was reluctantly teamed with. Their job was to hunt and slay a rogue thief responsible for a long list of crimes against the crown. His comrade during that mission was a strangely familiar individual by the name of Seth Dahlios. It became apparent to him that this man shared a striking resemblance to Matthaemus. Lye did not know why he grew such hatred for the man, and pounced at a request to end the young thief's life atop the Onyx Tower. Yet, after a heated battle, when he paused for the glorious last blow, as close to revenge as he had felt since losing his family, the Seth let his daggers slide deep into Lye’s stomach. With a final breath, Seth whispered to him “a man who fights with emotion falls short, a man who fights without goes far...” Unable to close his wound in time, Lye lost consciousness from blood loss, and did not see his target lose the life from its eyes. In the darkness, only those final words echoed in his mind. Lye was surprised to awake at the sight of wandering monks healing his wounds. Disturbed in knowing that Seth may to still be alive, he trained without pause. His desperation unlocked new abilities, tools for which to ensure future assassination.

    He still to this day, prays to find this man, unknown as to why he harbors such rage and loathing for him. Feeling as though he may find ultimate satisfaction and resolve in his death, he hunts Seth. He has lost sight of his purpose, his past, and his true target. Lye is bent on a path of destruction, holding on to an empty feeling in his chest, a blind rage, and the painful words spoken to him atop that tower. He wants answers to the endless turmoil in his mind, and he believes he will find it through this man's untimely death.

    The search for this man continues and to further his cause, Lye has formed a group of like-minded killers, assassins, thieves, thugs, and miscreants into an organization called, The Order of the Crimson Hands. This Order has grown substantially in a short amount of time. To cover the increase in supporters, Lye mandated they clear out a section of the Scavian Deepwoods nestled against the Terrilian Ridge of the Great White Expanse. Upon succeeding, they went to work creating a stronghold for themselves. Once built, they began establishing defenses to protect and erase their existence from others. The result was an ominous black mist crafted by the master mages of The Order and thereby dubbed their headquarters, Black Mist Hollows.

    Through this new organization, Lye has spread his eyes and ears across Althanas, using gathered information to narrow down the search for Seth Dahlios. In recent events, The Order acquired the aid of one Ciato Orlouge, brother of Sei Orlouge – The Leader of the Ixian Knights. Through continued information from both him and a half-demon by the name of Aurelianus Drak'shal lead the assassin to confront the next in command of the Ixian Knights, Kyla Orlouge. Through a rouse of drinking and games, Lye pulled the existence of Seth Dahlios as one of the members within their ranks. This prying and prodding eventually grabbed the attention of Sei Orlouge and Lye was confronted shortly after his rendezvous with Kyla. A threat was made against the assassin and his order should he continue to involve the Orlouge family to which Lye held strong. Battle between the Ixian Knights and the The Order of the Crimson Hands is inevitable.

    Along his conquest, Lye met a strange woman by the name of Noir. She was responsible for ruining a man hunt he had tracked for three weeks, and launched the assassin into action to reclaim his kills. Doing so, he saved the maiden from the blades of rogue bandits only to attempt at her life as well. Unknowingly poisoned, he was halted and she gained the upper hand. A fierce Skavian blizzard shortly followed, forcing the two to seek cover in an underground hideout until storm’s passing. Through his delusions, Lye developed a strange affinity to this woman due to her uncanny resemblance to his late wife. This came into question when Noir’s allegiances fell to a demon familiar, Zai, which placed them in a dire situation. They were barely saved by Lye’s men and brought to Black Mist Hollows, but the wounds were too great. Lye died that day, barely resurrected by the rogue Ai’Brone, Corvanik, at great expense. Lye was brought back from the abyss, but his affinity to Noir and Zai remain shaky at best.

    Noir and Zai escaped Lye's clutches in an attempt to live in peace with one another. The assassin has since determined them traitors to his organization and to be terminated on site. This took a back seat priority when the mysterious Zack Blaze contracted him and his group to lay waste to the island nation of Eiskalt. Though the Ixian knights thwarted away their hostile occupation, the Crimson Hands laid waste to the nation and killed thousands. During the chaos, Lye unleashed the immortal, Jensen Ambrose, against the leader of The Cult of Blessed Torture, Catherine Remi. This tactic was the first in many to create further unrest within the Ixian Knights and those that support them. During the war, plans were made to siege the Ixian Castle under the flag of the Cult of Blessed Torture. With tensions high, Lye has taken interest into the most infamous daughter of Sei Orlouge, Kyla. During the chaos, Lye issued a secret mission to one of his more trusted members, Max Dirks. Dirks managed to successfully isolate Kyla from her allies under the rouse of helping her. In this, he planted a seed of doubt that would later force Kyla to seek out Lye.

    Unfortunately, during the war, Lye lost an important tactical asset of the Aleran Airforce. This came about when the defector Tobias Stalt changed loyalties during the Eiskalt war. Lye, unable to accept traitors within his rank, slaughtered the entire crew of the flagship Axios in an attempt to eliminate Stalt. As the ship cascaded from the sky from Ixian fire, Lye locked in a life and death battle which claimed the life of Tobias's love interest, Camille. In the end, Lye struck a death blow to Tobias, but could not confirm the kill when the Axios ruptured into pieces over the ocean. In an effort to see his work complete, Lye assigned Erikar, his disciple, to track down Stalt. Should the traitor still hold breath, Erikar is to eliminate him on sight.

    Since the war, unrest stirred in the ranks of the Crimson Hands. During a tournament designed to distract his own men and prove to them his superiority, a mutiny occurred. The Phantom Tyrant was dethroned by his own generals, Madison Freebird and Aurelianus Drak'shal, but not before Lye managed to claim his target's life. The point of Eiskalt, the source of all the distress, was to capture and kill Kylana Marie Orlouge. While he was not able to see the fruits of his labor, Lye aimed to shatter his biggest threat, The Ixian Knights, with her death.

    For a year, Lye spent his life in captivity beneath his own Seventh Sanctum. Bound, cursed, mangled, and poisoned, Lye found his captors to be thorough in seeing he remain behind bars. Over those long months, Aurelianus unleashed the worst and most creative of his fleshcrafting upon his former master. Though he amicably reverted any damage done, the mind is not so forgiving. In these feeble times, Madison Freebird interrogated him with questions of the heart, mind, and soul. Where she found his answers lacking, he found himself acquainted with her fist.

    The beatings continued until the rage, anger, and madness just... broke. He told Madison his darkest and most protected secrets. He told her everything. Memories he long since buried surfaced and were shared. In this, the beatings stopped, the fleshcrafting lessened, but not before Madison buried a thorned insurance policy deep within his chest. With his heart now wrapped in the briarheart's leash, Madison sought to reinstate the broken man to his throne. Whether or not this decision would prove fatal in the end, yet remains to be told. Afterall, how much change can one expect from a seasoned killer?

    Lye has remained dormant, quiet, for several seasons. Many have not seen nor heard from him. His last known venture was to seek out the Briarheart, Madison Freebird. Did he find her? Did she kill him? No one knows, but something stirs in the cold, Salvic north. Something hollow. Something long forgotten.

    Lye has emerged from his wandering stupor and raised the flag of the Crimson Hand once more. With a new purpose, he sets out to change the world as he knows it.

    In the last few months, Lye met a woman named Amari. A noble of the Salvar dukedom, he sought to use her as leverage for his own political gain. Instead, he discovered Amari held abilities far greater than most men. Arguably, she held the potential to surpass his own. With this knowledge, he set out to break her will and force her loyalties to him. In doing so, Lye drew the attention of a wraith named Elthas. The spirit said it was drawn to Amari's suffering and threatened Lye should he continue.

    Not someone to be taunted, Lye set out to quell Elthas before he became a larger problem. Using a rift in the planes left by Elthas, Lye found the wraith in a blazing inferno of a ghastly realm called the Anti-firmament. Two of his men joined him and were immediately reduced to charcoal. Thanks to his ties to the shadow plane, Lye managed to exist in this place at a great handicap to his abilities. Discussions between the two quickly degraded and a battle to the death ensued. In the end, Elthas ruptured in a burst of energy, unknown if destroyed or simply delayed. Lye, on the other hand, suffered mortal wounds. Were it not for the sacrifice of his loyal Ai'Brone Exile, he would have perish. With the cost of his own life, Corvanik managed to stabilize Lye just on the precipice of the void.

    Blind in one eye, bleeding, and wounded to the very core of his own soul, Lye ushers onward to complete his objective. With the help of Amari's strange abilities, he hopes to make a recovery. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about his lost vision.
    Last edited by Lye; 03-10-2021 at 01:34 AM. Reason: Content Disclaimer

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