This world can be very cruel. But it is also beautiful. How can this place be both bitter and sour? I hate it, but I want to explore it, experience it, taste it. I feel agony, but I want to live.

The throngs of blind hatred is cold as snow
But wonderful snowflakes fall elegantly to the ground below

The pain of sorrow stings like ice
But the sparkling ice reflects the stars at night

The forces of nature are overbearing, unforgiving
But nature is beautiful, for this is life's nursery

How on earth can this world be
Both dark, horrible - but beautiful, lovely?

The deserts are hot and the sun beats down
But it is the sun that energizes the ground.

The forests are long, one can easily be lost
But what if one purposefully got lost in thought?

The mountains are massive, they're tough to climb
But once you reach the top you look upon paradise

How on earth can this world be
Full of both wrathful wars and loving peace?

People can kill, but they can bring life
People do wrong, but they also make right
This world is dark and confusing, I can hardly stand
But this world is also beautiful, this bizarre Althanas

I want to explore it, I want to fee the breeze
I want to be a hero, and I want to be free
I need to know, is the pain worth something?
I believe it is, it's not for nothing

How on earth can this world be
A place so bitter, yet also so sweet?