Character note: Torgrin is ultimately an NPC within Medeia and Garron's storyline, and will be utilized by either as an active character when the need arises within the story.

Name: Torgrin Oarhell
Age: 40
Race: Dwarf
Hair Color: Crimson
Eye Color: Ebon
Height: 4' 1"
Weight: 160
Occupation: Mercenary/Smith/Craftsman

Personality: Vulgar and obnoxious. He has an extraordinary sense of humor and is a quick draw with sarcastic remarks. Very care-driven to those he's known for a long period of time, is hard-headed enough to break through his demeanor, and shares his sense of personal honor. Gives good advise, and will protect to the death for the very few he has warmed up to.

Appearance: Rough and ruggedly muscular. Scars line nearly every part of his body. Small braids hold strips of his wild hair dropping to shoulders at bay; not only in beard, but bangs. Torgrin prefers dark leather vests and breeches of the same dark colors. Worn, soft leather boots studded with iron cover his large feet. He has deep-set eyes, wide nose and cheekbones.

History: Born to a mining family deep within the Kachuck mountains, Torgrin grew to loathe how his life was beginning to unfold and he fled nearly twenty years ago on a shipping cog to Corone. Shortly after hitting the shores, he took up his battle ax performing mercenary work for coin. Torgrin also enjoys crafting and smithing, and has found he has a natural ability doing so. Underwood within the Concordia forest is where he made his home, and there is where he met the pregnant Nuana during one drunken chance meeting outside of a tavern he was tossed out of in Underwood. They became fast friends and has been a father figure to Garron after Nuana birthed him, and also has had a significant impact in Medeia's life over the years.


Runeology: After years of tutelage, (both from his elders as a youth, and self-study once he left the Mountains), Torgrin is able to craft almost any sort of rune stone within the the basic elemental schools of fire, ice, wind and water (at this time)along with minor healing and siphoning schools, as long as he has the proper materials and sufficient knowledge to do so. Torgrin can determine what sort of enchantment or spell has been cast on any item (and most often, person), so long as he has a familiarity with the school of magic from which it originates by holding it or studying it in depth.

Fire Restistance: A hereditary trait of Althanian dwarves, long exposure to heat and molten stone beneath the surface have lead to a natural thickening of the skin that makes it difficult to burn a dwarf. While this by no means indicates he or his kin are capable of taking a dip in a vat of lava, this natural evolution allows for dwarves to work to their full potential in locations where a human or other sentient being would be incapable of.*

Expert Melee: Years of tutelage under Nuana have gifted him with the ability to wield his battle ax as if it were a part of his own body. While he still appreciates a good spar as well as the next dwarf, he is most at home in the thick of battle, where he can really let himself loose and paint the world red. Most often, when an opponent finds themselves within the swinging range of his ax, death is not long in the coming.*


Runecasting: Torgrin is able to utilize the runes which he has created. Different rune granted abilities have varied affect, depending on the manner in which Torgrin chooses to utilize them. While he is not capable of using magic personally, a fireball rune could be used to create a powerful blast, while an ice rune could freeze a body of water for safe passage. Runes that have been used must be refortified before they can be of use again. It is entirely possible for Torgrin to use several runes in succession, but their activation does significantly strain his mind. Therefore, he tends to only use them when absolutely necessary. The range of affect for Torgrin's runecasting has a maximum diameter of about 10m from around his person, and has dimensions and effect akin to an instant spell cast insofar as activation and duration are concerned. (What runes he has on his person must be mentioned in the beginning of a new thread, and any time he pauses to rest, as this is usually the time he chooses to rework/restock his supplies.)

Metalurgy: Metalurgy is the ability to manipulate, mold and fundamentally alter metals and metal-based stone. The Oarhells of the Kuchuk Mountains have long been known for their affinity to find, mine, and mold metals into weapons and tools of unparalleled quality. Evolution dictated changes within the nature of the affinity over the centuries, and by the time Torgrin was born, the Oarhells were known most for being able to direct and manipulate metal within a certain perimeter from their person. While an Oarhell elder might be capable of metalurgy within a much broader range(up to 61m), Torgrin’s experience,(and choice to end his apprenticeship), has limited that range to a much smaller distance that waxes noticeably when further away than 10m from around his person. Within these set parameters, Torgrin influence over metals and metal-based stone is non-negotiable, unless another, more powerful metalurgist happens to occupy the same vicinity. The amount of change he is able to influence depends on the porosity of the metal being modified, or by drawing those metals inward and/or expelling metals away from his person. Less porous examples, such as volcanic rock, would be ideal for his metalurgy at this time, as it would be easy to manipulate, while more impermeable examples, such as iron, would be more difficult to influence. Utilization of this ability does have the affect of significantly impacting his available stamina,(up to a maximum of 50% of available output), and the subsequent amount of strain affected varies, depending on how he utilizes metalurgy and to what purpose. In example, moving a singular rock would only drain around 5% of his stamina, while molding several weapons within his range would use nigh up to 50%. Torgrin is unable to attack or defend whilst manipulation is ongoing.


Gunny: A small pouch which he tries to keep fully stocked with two to three runes and an assortment of loose coin. It is most commonly tied by a strap of gherkin to his belt, but he’s been known to slip it in his breast pocket for safer keeping, especially if he’s drinking.

Uzgul Maraz: (The Bone Cleaver) A large, two-hand iron battleaxe with a thick, intricately carved haft crafted of solid oak, and with a boiled leather grip.*

Runemas: A collection of several small, oddly shaped metal tools and a portable bracket that Torgrin handmade to craft and imbue runes. Usually, these stay at home, or with his travel pack if he is away from the forest for any length of time.