Kurtz raced towards Homlett, trying to find the source of the dark column rising over the tops of the trees. As he reached the flattened path that began the rough street of the town, he could see several of the small wood and thatch buildings ablaze with roaring fire. The bodies of several inhabitants littered the streets, their families crying over the bodies. Woman and children had taken to putting out the fires by passing buckets of water back and forth from the local well in the center of the town square. Kurtz could here the shouts of the men towards the center of the town, their cries being those of engaged battle.

The stable boy raced over towards the center, finding the men holding off several strange creatures with pitchforks and hoes, many of the villagers having numerous cuts and gashes. The beasts were multi-limbed creatures, their heads resembled boars, long snouts and tusks jutting out from a mouth filled with fangs, their bodies, long and sleek like a cat’s with spines as long as a man’s thumb, and each had 3 pairs of legs that ended in wicked claws. The farmers had no experience in fighting such creatures, their makeshift weapons unable to find purchase on the lithe beasts.

Kurtz took his sword out, attempting to help, though he had no real fighting experience on a live target either. The closest beast put it’s nose to the air at his approach, taking three large whiffs before letting out a deep growl. The farmer who’d tried to keep it at bay took the action as a sign of distraction, trying to take advantage of the situation and lunged at it with a makeshift spear. The creature easily dodged the clumsy blow, jumping on the back of the overextended farmer, raking huge furrows of blood as it kicked off and over with its large claws.

The beast was within striking distance instantly, the spines on its back standing on end as it prepared to strike. The endless practice with the skeletons had prepared him to dodge straightforward attacks. Kurtz entered the low stance he’d practiced, the muscles of his legs tensing, his eyes locking with those of the strange multi-limbed boar creature. In an instant he charged forward, the beast doing the same out of reflex, he sidestepped and brought his sword through the side of the creature, narrowly avoiding the strike, just as the skull taught him. The dog-like yelp of the creature brought the attention of the other beasts, the wound turning black as the flesh around it began to rot.

Kurtz, his skin once again shrunken, brought his now black blade forward, his stance low once again, ready to charge. He struck three more beasts, dealing each a light blow as he passed them, the wounds crackling as the rot spread in dark, black lines. The infection caused the beasts to slow, giving the villagers with their makeshift weapons enough time to finish them off.

His chest heaved from the intensity and activity, sweat pouring as he faced the last monster. A shrill whistle sounded as the pair began to face off, in an instant, the boar-thing began to run wide, it’s circuit taking it not towards the villagers or Kurtz, but away to the cover of the forests. Unwilling to let it go, the stable boy charged forward, his desperate and wild swing nicking the thing in the flank. After a few moments, it was gone, it’s shape lost in the shadows of the encroaching night.

He sheathed his blade, the black light fading as it left his hands. He turned the men, seeing any needed his help. One by one, as they got a better look at him, they all gasped and raised their weapons at him. His face still holding the taunt skin and black eyes of a ghoul, they refused to let him come close. One of the largest men, without so much as a word tried to charge him with a pitchfork before he could say anything.

Hurt shot through his heart, for he had never harmed these people but in fact, he had helped them fight off beasts they had no hope of beating on their own. The rest of the group began to close in on him, and leaving him little choice, he ran. The blaze of the burning buildings lit up behind him as he fled, the shadows playing in front of him, laughing specters jeering at his freakishness.