I was camped out in an old burned out keep, in the remains of an equally burned out castle. I had a fire going with the smoke drifting up through the air, and out of a hole in the ceiling. The castle was old, old before I was even an itch in my daddy's pants, in fact it was older than the current nation occupying the land. The keep was a round tower the highest of the castle, and was surrounded by a rather large courtyard which itself was surrounded fiver more circular "used to be" towers the tallest of which was still in half ruin. It was in the farthest north that I could find, and there I waited among the trees, the snow, the cold, and the night.

It was near midnight, and the full moon burned bright and low in the sky when I heard them, the bells that foretold ~his~ arrival. I soon heard his deep rumbling voice calling to his beasts of burden. The night grew clearer, more crisp as I heard the scraping of sleigh ski's against the cobble stone floor of the ancient court yard. I heard him step out, his boots crunching softly on the snow outside. Then there was a sound, kind of a like the sound of chimes, and in a twinkling of an eye he appeared by my fire.

He was adorned with scarlet hunting leathers lined with white fox fur. A red hunters cap, topped his head. He was a powerfully built man, barrel chested man, with a smaller keg around his middle which jiggled like a bowl full of jelly as he chuckled at me, and stating in an ancient, voice that reminded me of glaciers rubbing against one another"I received your letter young man." He sat himself on a rock next to me, and I gave him a bag that was full of cookies chocolate chip with nuts on them, and a jug of goats milk. "As is the custom in dealings with you" I gestured, and he laughed a belly laugh that ended in "HO HO HOOOOOO!!!!" I couldn't help but smile at that, his was a warmth that was infectious, one that awakened brighter feelings with in me, and he spoke "You seem to have me cornered young man. If nothing else you are incredibly clever. A naughty man requesting single combat with my co-pilot. If I refuse than the magic is broke, if I agree then the magic is broken. But allow me to let you in on a little secret. While you may not be seen as good, you are by no means wicked, or malevolent, follow me" he ordered.

He stood, and strode to the doors, pushing them open, I saw a creature standing eight feet tall, it had golden, spiraling goat like horns growing from its head; it was covered in a shaggy hairy red, and green cloak; his face was elongated; with sharp fangs, and black rubbery lips; its hands were thick, and knobby, ending in chitinous black claws. Continuing his thought as I looked at the creature he said "like the entity before you, you are necessary."

The creature spoke to me in a language ancient, and other. I didn't even have context to even start to translate it. The big man in red did the translation for me. "He says that you have made his day. It has been a score of ages since he's been aloud to let loose."