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    Star Maker and the Mad King

    Skie and Avery's Avatar


    Skie dan Sabriel // Avery
    Cleansed Demon // Incubus
    Female // Male

    View Profile

    Level 9 - More Than This

    Level 9 Updates in blue. Previous profile found here.

    Name: Skie dan Sabriel // Averymiel Nito
    Age: The Moontae do not record age, but they appear to be in their mid to late-20s
    Race: Moontae ((a form of demon similar to the succubi/incubi)); Half human
    Hair Color: Black // Dark brown
    Eye Color: Deep blue // Bright green
    Height: 5'9" // 5'11"
    Weight: 128 // 143

    Appearance: Skie is a young woman with long black hair that she keeps tied back at the nape of her neck. Her face is personable, her blue eyes compassionate, her mouth usually turned up at the corners in a small smile. She wears one of a collection of just too big tunics over soft denim pants and leather boots. Her belt is made of the same leather, and holds her sword, which she is never found without.

    Avery is a well toned young man with hair the same length as his sister's, though it is a lighter brown with rich honey highlights moving through it. His eyes are a clever green, and often say far more than his words do. He, in true Moontae style, wears nothing. His wing adorns the left, leathery and glittering black.

    History: Skie and Avery were born into royalty. Their mother, an infamous Cheiftess named Natamrael, tried to raise them to walk the line between the old customs and new ideas - mainly, her ideas. It was this core of behavior that got her killed, when the twins were just children. They had met their father not long before that, though they didn't know it at the time, so when the Cheiftess fell, the twins were caught in a storm of confusion. Avery stepped up to the throne, without a clue of what should be done, and Skie slipped away, exploring the freedom that her mother had so often flaunted.

    Avery grew into a great Chief, bringing peace to his people. He found a woman in Concordia one night and kidnapped her, intending on keeping her as a pet. However, they ended up falling in love, and he took her as Queen of his throne.

    Skie studied in the Citadel of Radasanth, and met her father again. This time, Devon dan Sabriel was possessed by an evil presence and tried to kill her. She managed to escape with her life, though her heart was broken. She joined the Adventurer's Crown tournament and traveled to Raiaera, sure that the evil there was linked with the dark in her father. With three companions, they brought an end to the undead in the Elfin lands. When she was sure that no one was looking, she switched her simple steel sword with Devon's, which had been trapped in the Obsidian tower. Since then, she'd returned to Corone, training again in the Citadel with renewed determination.

    While back home, Skie was joyous to find that her brother's wife became laden with child. A new reason to fulfill her dreams was given her, the need to be able to also protect the impending niece or nephew. After a fight, Skie decided to once again leave for Raiaera. She was given her father's dagger by her brother, and set off with a bitter ending. Before boarding the ship that would take her to Raiaera, she met with Victor Callahan. The two had a one night stand, where Skie ended up tasting his soul, but not consuming it. She was overcome by the intensity of what she saw, the goodness. Though she begged him to stay, he did not. Tearfully, she boarded her ship.

    She came under the thrall of a sorcerer named Griffin when her ship was looted and she was taken hostage. Under his command, she returned to Concordia in order to kidnap the child. However, her plan went awry and in the struggle the child was killed. Avery hunted her down and destroyed her in combat, removing her wing and ordering his lieutenants to perform the Rite of Banishment. With this spell, the biological elements of Moontae demonology were burned from her body. She was left to die, but was taken in by an elven man and his child who nursed her to health. The elf asked her to stay by his side as a lover, but Skie left, fearing for his life if he stayed with her.

    Overstruck with grief, Avery's wife Elena left him and fled. Overcome by a dark and deep depression, Avery began to amass his kingdom and hatch plans to take over Concordia, and then Corone.

    Skie moved to Alerar, taking the alias Suriya Surulinath as she lives among the dark elves. She has become fast friends with a drow officer named Malagaste. She also rekindled an old flame in Seth Dahlios as she became his apprentice. Avery, finding Skie still living sent demons to keep an eye on her. Acting of their own initiative, they tried to kidnap and kill her, though Seth came to her aid. Avery, now not trusting his own people to follow his agenda, sent Skie an enchanted necklace cursed to allow him to eavesdrop on her, and pulled his demons back to Concordia.

    There he met the fleshcrafter Aurelianus, and became the man's protege. Hearing how his new master collects souls and knowing the events of the warehouse kidnapping has opened up Skie's powers to crafting souls in soulless demons, he has pledged to bring his sister to Aure as a gift.

    Skie dan Sabriel

    Highly skilled Swordsmanship
    Novice Tracker
    Soul Creation - RP skill only, Skie can through great effort create a soul within a soulless being (such as the Moontae demons) - obviously this can only be used on PCs that are confirmed as soulless by their writers and the effects of gaining a soul is completely up to their writers as well. It can be utterly meaningless or have lasting effects as the other player deems fit.

    Holy Magic
    + Spirit Sight - Skie can call upon the magic within her to identify souls. This allows her to see in darkness by sensing the souls of those around her. The range extends as far as her dim-light sight, and she can "see" souls through doors and walls though not as strongly - weak enough to tell there is a soul on the other side of the barrier, but not enough to gather identifying features such as exact number or size of people.
    + Soul Flame - Skie can call upon spectral fire to burn a character. The strength of the burn is much like a regular flame, however it does not continue to burn like normal fire. The severity of the burn depends completely on how long Skie is in contact with the character as this is a melee only attack, and the flames dissipate the moment her hand breaks contact. Her touch can burn through armor materials equal or weaker to hide.

    Equipment: Skie has a longsword that once belonged to Devon dan Sabriel. It is made of simple steel.

    Avery Nito

    Average hand to hand combat skill
    High charm
    Strengthened willpower - Avery can hold his concentration against slight distractions

    Illusion magic
    + Optical: Avery can create illusions of sight that can last 12 hours in a non-combat situation and 3 minutes in combat. These illusions look to be tangible.
    + Scent: Avery can create illusions of scent that last 5 minutes and has strong power to adjust how strong the scents are. They will smell very real to those without enhanced scent. PCs with enhanced scent may be able to determine that what they smell is only an illusion.
    Personal: Avery is a master at changing the way he looks and smells. PCs with enhanced scent may be able to determine his real scent under the illusion. Personal illusions will last 5 hours until he needs to rest for at least 8 hours until he can craft the strong magic again.

    All illusions will fail if Avery cannot concentrate on them (if he is knocked out or caused a great amount of pain).


    - Novice - Under Aurelianus' tutelage, Avery has begun to learn the secrets of imposing his will upon reality, something he was already familiar with in using illusion magic.
    + Wound-making - Avery uses his hands like a blade pushing them into a body and causing it to open to his will. At the moment the wounds that form are temporary, lasting only moments when he removes his touch. This also requires too much concentration to be used in battles yet.

    Equipment:Avery has a steel dagger, and a shield made out of his sister's wing. The demonskin is stretched over a base of delyn [Ability: the demonskin offers a high rate of fire resistance - 90%].
    Last edited by Skie and Avery; 09-01-2017 at 08:34 PM.
    sometimes love looks like torture

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