To the drunks, the people of Stonevale I was a hero I killed the evil witches, I let them think that, especially when they offered to buy me food, and drink. With the drunks not leaving their hard earned wealth to a pack of witches there was more to spend at the local taverns.

Iv rifled through the three witches belongings, found a nice sack of gold which I promptly spent getting permanent free room, and board at the local tavern. But more valuable was the witches book of shadows. It was a journal that started off rather lucid a lady wanting power against men, but soon as she made pact, after pact with beings of power her sanity started to slip, and she went from wanting equality to wanting to turn men into her thralls, and questing for more, and more power.

It was kind of sad, by the end her spelling became atrocious, and the syntax of her writing was all confused. There was not enough left of her mind to remember anything but hate. But somewhere in the middle I found what I was looking for.

The mutated witch had made a pact with an entity known as Azar the Empty one. Likely a name not that wouldn't hurt the creature. Pacts of such sort were rarely balanced. The creature gifted her with what amounted to a psychic living barbed wire. There was enough description as to how it was done for someone of sufficient power to perform. I pocketed it, and returned to the village to get blindingly drunk.