In time an middle aged gentleman departed and in no time he was enthralled by the ringing. It was not a direct thing, he still began staggering further into town, but every time the bell range, the gentleman would be thrown off course for one reason or another, and with every ring the draw become more powerful. With in a few rings the gentleman was willfully staggering into the woods outside of town opposite the mine.

I followed him at a distance staggering my self mostly for effect, if anyone was watching I was just another drunk following the chiming of the bells. There were several other drunks converging towards the chiming bells, I was getting close. As we staggered about the ringing grew louder, and just as naturally the draw for them grew stronger.

We all neared a pile of ruins, not an old castle or temple, at least no temple that I had ever been in. The energy didn't feel right for a temple either. If I had to hazard a guess it was a former villa or similar from a bygone era. From the distance I was at I could see that the ruins had a stone floor locally quarried rock. On one end was a the remains of a fire place, and chimney, on the other was likely a shrine to some god or another I wasn't sure which one at this time. There were three robed figures standing around a fire by the figure they cut they appeared to be female.

Three were ringing a bell one after another with the other two running the hammer around the outer edge of the bowl shaped bell.

The compulsion from the bells was nearly irresistible now, so I retreated. The farther I got from the ringing, the less the compulsion to go toward it was. I remembered where the ruins where, and would investigate the next morning when things of that nature were the weakest.