
Cain was looking up from a dock in Ettemire watching a hawk like machine soar somewhere above the clouds. It was a single manned airship which used a set of wings and a powerful to keep it defying gravity. The ship Cain more or less thought of it as more of an "air-jolly boat" There was a hissing rumble as the hawk like airship began to descend passing through the clouds. As the airship closed in near Cains position he noted the finer details. The wings were swept forward with the body near the aft of the ship the con and helm all above the compact engine. As the airship closed passed over Cain the hissing grew louder, louder still then decrescendoed just as quickly blowing his tricorn off as it passed in an exciting show of speed. Cain turned on his heel to pick up his hat and watch the light and fast airship touch ground and come to rest. Apparently it didn't have much stamina for all of its speed.


Jaq'dalton was confident to the point of being cocky, his seat in the powerful aerial test platform was mere inches above the new engine a compact directed turbo steam engine. It rumbled so menacingly that the entire airship shook. This was no dirigible that Jaq'dalton was flying it was a compressed gas powered speed machine that screamed through the air. As the airship sped above the clouds there was a claxon that blurted out indicated that what ever fuel that was being used to power the over sized engine was running low.
Jaq'dalton banked his machine and began his decent through the clouds as he passed through the low laying cumulus minor clouds the wings began began to hiss as water vapor condensed on them and flew off at high speed. The Pilot passed over some person close enough to blow his hat off; Jaq'dalton than eased the control stick down, dropped the landing gear on his machine and let the airship skip down the runway. The airship rolled to a stop and Jaq'dalton stepped out of the cockpit happy that his machine performed well.