Evian waved one hand, as if brushing aside the offer. "I wanted to help someone in need, snowflake, that's all. I won't be so crazy as to say everyone else in my position would have done the same -" a grizzled, clouded eye flashed through the dark haired man's mind, "- but not everyone is solely out for themselves." It wasn't much, he knew. Just words, even if the redhead felt them resonate with her, in the end they were just words. He couldn't hold her hand as she sought out her closure, it was something that she would have to do herself.

He pushed himself away from the table the two were sitting at and stood up, slowly stretching out his stiff, locked up muscles. Bending over, he reached down and picked up his gear, slinging the bow and its quiver over his shoulder before hoisting up the sheathed spear. "Keep looking forward, Snowflake. Don't let the past lock you down. All that leads to is more fear and suffering. You can't change what has already happened, all you can control is what you do next." He gave her a full smile.

"Maybe next time we meet, you'll be able to greet me with a smile on your face instead of tears and anger in your heart. Chin up, and keep on." With a slight incline of his head to her, Evian headed over to the bar and paid both their tabs. Covering the amount of sweets the girl had inhaled and, eventually, regurgitated was the last kindness he could do for her this evening. That done, he headed out onto the streets, where, after a brief glance upwards to check the stars and moon, he set off, long legs eating up the ground as he made his way back to his camp.