Okay folks here we go.

As I stated earlier I intend to use this thread as a general OOC thread for my Chronology project. I started Chapter 11 and it is open to everybody. I will link the thread for everybody to join and participate in.

I'm slowly going to be opening up the whole lore of Nosdyn for general public use.

As I have already mentioned, the project has now gotten beyond me and is now to the point where I am looking to add more people and make certain points canon. Namely the defeat of N'Jal I am looking to make canon.

The entire thread project will take place in Ettermire herself and basically is a war between Nosdyn and his allies and the Temple of Lloth who are now openly hostile to Nosdyn and his crew. You folks are free to join either side either with or against Nosdyn I just want a lot of people involved looking to make this set of projects even more bad ass. Thanks in advanced for anybody who shows interest in this madness.

Almost forgot to link the thread: ~Chapter 11~ here you folks go.