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    Azza "Sophia" Ambrose

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    To the esteemed Sakuya Ko of Akashima,

    It is with great honor that I am able to invite you to the ball I am hosting during this year’s Banishment of White at the Iverstead mansion. I am hoping that the invitation enclosed reaches you in time. I recall you telling me many years ago that you never stay in one place for too long. I have not forgotten what you’ve told me then and I have thought upon the question you posed for me. I believe I have found a satisfactory enough answer now that I am older and, arguably, just a bit wiser. If I am unable to find you amongst the guests, I trust that you remember where we first met and that you’ll have no trouble meeting me there after the guests have left. This is assuming that you’ve come at all, of course.

    I certainly hope that you do,

    Azza frowned at the contents of the letter before upending the heavy envelope in her other hand to spill the remaining contents on her lap. As promised in the letter there was a separate invitation card included. The grade of paper used for both the envelope and letter was already astounding, but the invitation card itself was something else entirely- is that gold thread embroidery around the whole card?

    I, Felix James Iverstead the Fifth, do hereby invite the holder,
    Sakuya Ko of Akashima and up to two guests of her,
    to attend this year’s Banishment of White at Iverstead Mansion.

    Azza’s frown deepened as she looked across to the other side of the carriage to the faux-Akashiman woman riding across from her. The woman was combing the brown hairs of her tail to smooth out any snags and snares while humming softly. “Sakuya, I can’t help but notice that I’m the only guest of yours going to this ball that you’re invited to. Who is this Felix person anyways? Sounds pretty rich. Look it too by what he sent.”

    The brown-haired woman stopped her grooming for the moment and flicked her wolven ears up in attention. “Ah. He is a boy that I met a long time ago.” She paused to tuck the brush away into a side pack and moved her tail away. “Though I suppose he is a grown man now. We have written a few times.”

    This was just the thing that Azza couldn’t get used to about her mentor. The woman was capable of answering questions that fulfilled what one asked, but never actually answered with anything of substance. To Sakuya’s credit, Azza knew that she should have been more detailed with the woman. “I mean like who is he in society? And why am I going?” Peering out the curtain of the carriage quickly, Azza continued, “We’re in Salvar too, right? I’ve read about it so I recognize some of the architecture, but don’t they hate magic users? Forget that- I don’t even look human and neither do you!”

    Sakuya just laughed with the usual bell-like quality of her voice. “Sister Azza, you must be more open minded! There are many people in Salvar and not all hold the same opinion. You can change and so can they, yes? Just do what they do and do not do. I am sure it will be fine if you do not use any magic. Good for learning.”

    A sigh passed from Azza’s lips as she looked to the letter again. “We practically are magic to most people. Forget it- what about this Felix then? Is he someone important? He has a mansion after all. A merchant prince maybe?”

    “Hum…” Sakuya began as she made a show of combing through her memories with eyes closed. “He might be a lord now.”

    “Excuse me?”

    “A lord. His father might be too old now to continue as head of the family.”

    Azza sat with her mouth agape at the revelation of something rather important that had been omitted in the first place. Closing her mouth when she realized it, she sighed once more before asking, “Am I at least dressed properly?” Glancing down at her bland brown robes with the bottom hem beginning to fray in some places, Azza doubted it. Her ‘nicer clothing’ didn’t seem to fit the bill either with them being spring or summer clothing and definitely not weather appropriate for Salvar.

    “I think you will be fine. You are covered after all and if I recall… those in Salvar favor modesty!”

    “That. That is not what I meant at all! Sakuya! You’re taking me to a ball and I’m dressed like- like a-”


    “Yes! - what? No!” Even as Azza fumed at the absurdity of the situation, Sakuya seemed genuinely confused. “You’re in a travelling robe too!”

    “I am sure there are those we can blend in with when we arrive and have fun!”

    Azza scoffed. “The servants? I doubt people looking like commoners are allowed in.”

    “We have an invitation and the servants are usually more relaxed. I enjoy their company more than the nobles.”

    There wasn’t anything that Azza could retort with to counter what Sakuya offered. Given her own personality, Azza knew she’d probably enjoy being around the maids and staff more than the nobility in attendance. Exasperated, but amused all the same, Azza shoved those thoughts away and instead asked with a grin, “So where did you first meet Lord Felix? Sounds like he’s fond of you.”

    “Does he?” Humming again in thought as she wondered, Sakuya shrugged. “He is a kind person, so him being fond of me is good. As for where I met him first… I believe I fell asleep on his balcony.”

    “Should I even ask?”

    “I was tired so I found a comfortable place.”

    Azza couldn’t help but snort in laughter. “Alright, fine. I guess you’re going to meet him since we’re headed there. How are you going to get to his balcony tonight? I’m sure the place has plenty of guards, staff, and the eyes of guests are all over.”

    Sakuya took quite a bit this time as she hummed about as if considering the many different ways she could do so. In the end she clasped her hands together and offered the answer as a question, “I am very fast?” To which Azza only felt her smirk stretch wide on her face as her eyes rolled.

    Eventually the two stepped out from the carriage before the mansion. Opulent. Grand. Those were the first two things that came to mind for Azza as she ascended the steps behind Sakuya towards the entrance. To no surprise of Azza's, the guards and servants at the entrance had a mixture of suspicion and distaste watching the two of them approach. An Akashiman woman with animal ears and tail and a horned girl with rust colored wings. Both dressed like vagrant wanderers. At the very least the older manservant handling the arrival of guests was more professional as he asked, “Invitation?” Sakuya obliged and the manservant took a moment to inspect it. His eyes widened a moment and he whispered something to one of the guards. That guard saluted and then hurried off somewhere. “Welcome, Lady Ko and guest. Please enjoy your time at the ball.”

    The change in demeanor was astounding for Azza, but perhaps the most shocking thing was seeing Sakuya carrying herself with a dignified air as the woman nodded her head and continued on. Not wanting to be left behind, Azza followed quickly after and soon enough the pair entered the ballroom proper.

    It was the first time in this life that Azza had seen a room so lavishly decorated. Even when she was back on Se’lutia there wasn’t anything like this- well, maybe there was, but she didn’t see it. Those nearby spoke in whispers as they looked towards her. A few pointed and snickered while others had a look of revulsion. “Sakuya, I don’t think this was a good idea.” There was no answer. “Sakuya?” Turning to look for her chaperon, Azza saw that she was alone now. Sighing and feeling utterly exhausted already, Azza shook her head and mumbled, “Right. Very fast.” Looking around, she soon found rows upon rows of tables away from the center floor lined with different foods and refreshments for the guests to partake. Brightening up again, Azza figured that she might as well enjoy it like Sakuya said.
    Last edited by orphans; 03-27-2021 at 03:09 PM.

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