
Well, ten millions questions flamed into Felicity's mind at once. Was Philomel much older than she appeared, when her daughter was nearly the same age as Felicity? No... no, that could not be right. Then why was Celandine a young woman instead of a child! This was confusing and creepy.

Felicity shooed the thoughts away as she observed the prim, proper girl. Her silver eyes pierced her with a twinkle of light. Was she more immature than she gave away? Felicity lowered her shoes to the ground then stood up again, nodding. "I'm Felicity. I'm... sort of... a friend, kind of, to the Nightingale of the Gilded Lady."

Felicity really did not consider Philomel a friend. She actually disliked the whore. However, as she was a friend to Shinsou, Felicity felt obligated to be friendly towards that faun.

Before anything else could be said, a loud speech rang from the ballroom. Felicity leaned closer towards that direction, taking in what she could hear of the lord's speech. When the orchestra started playing again, Felicity turned towards the Celandine again. "What are you doing out here? You hate the ballroom too?"