Dark skies and howling winds whipped around violently. The storms that brewed far off to the eastern ocean occasionally came to land. While devastating along the shore line, they still brought much needed rain to the plains -- to places like this. The gunner clung her arms close to her frame and tugged the hood over her face. Each gust threatened not only to rip the hood from her blonde head, but tested her balance all the like. Rain fell in torrents and with unimpeded gusts, nearly horizontal.

As she slopped through the dirt road which recently became a mud trough, Alyssa noticed the faint glow from an establishment. The buildings around her were crude and scattered all the same. Unlike the establishments in Beinost or Corone, these little huts spoke to a humble people. She surmised the total population as no more than a hundred strong. To the north, lighting etched the silhouette of a distant mountain range. To the south and east, plains stretched as far as her cerulean eyes could see. Lastly, the thicket of forest from whence she came occupied the west. This building would prove the only cover within a days travel, easy.

The girl hefted her shoulders in an attempt to relieve the ache of her rifle's strap. For days, it dug into her and despite her experience marching and enduring Alerian military drills, she began to fatigue. Alyssa arrived at the door and before she could reach out a hand to the rusty iron, it opened to the exotic face of a Haidian. She stepped aside, curiosity plain on her face as to why anyone would be willing to brave this storm. Where would he go? Would he be safe?

The demon brood marched on as if she were nothing more than inanimate scenery. The way he carried himself, Alyssa knew he was someone beyond traditional niceties. Best he didn't notice her or she notice him.

After his departure, the Empress of the Tarot stepped inside the vague warmth of the tavern. Loud voices of both distress and anger flooded her ears. Tables were upturned, contents of several drinks littered the floor and it looked equal madness in here as out there. Slowly, she pulled her hood from her head as she continued to survey the damage and those within. A few faces stood out, Rayleigh and John being a few. The former looked distressed, consoled by a plant. While the latter looked to be in seedy company with cards scattered across the table.

Alyssa undid the tie of her robes and hung the drenched cloth on a rack by door. Her shorts, Akashiman top, and myriad of holsters and straps adorned her sun starved skin. A waterfall of blonde, gathered into a tail, waterfalled over her left shoulder. With a sharp inhale, she pulled the rifle from her back and let a sigh of relief as the strap fell loose. Gun in hand, the girl approached the counter and took a seat one over from Rayleigh and the creature whom kept her company. After a slight pause, Alyssa turned a finger to the bartender.

"Glass of water?" she asked in soft, melodic tones. "And maybe a glass of pink if you have it? Raiaeran is preferred, but I'll take whatever you have. Red if you don't have pink."

The man nodded and set to work checking his stock.