
Her magnificent smile and her addictive personality lit up the street like a second summer sun. Eyes tracked her, faces beamed back in return, people stopped to stare at the gorgeously dressed, proud and effortlessly friendly lady faun.

Behind her trailed a small troupe of her aides and confidants. Women and men she had gathered to her side, simply because they loved her, with her blazing personality, her words of kindness and her lessons on morality. Amongst those people was her daughter, feeling embarrassed but also actively seeking to follow in Philomel's footsteps.

"There she is," someone whispered, "did you hear - she had everything. The world at her feet, she owned multiple brothels and so much treasure, but just as it had been gifted to her ..."

"Philomel the philanthropist," a murmured reply came. "I mean who would choose to give up everything to the poor?"

"She's a messiah, silly," another rolled their eyes, "it's what they do. Just follow her, you'll hear a parable soon I'm sure. It's what she does now - goes to a public place and tells a story with a moral."

"Huh," someone raised their eyebrows at the faun who kindly was now asking an old wizened crone who most overlooked how she was. "Interesting."