A while ago, we featured a couple of really cool boss battles. The first one was the fire-elemental dragon, Sunwing, who had been terrorising the Twilight Mountains. The second was Sunwing's mother, Moonwing, who was much bigger and meaner than lil 'Wing ever was. Both battles required a large group of people to fight.

So, I figured that the missing element in the triology would be the absent father, Starwing.

Now, we aren't as active as we used to be, so having a large group of people to do this and someone to run DM on Starwing is a big ask. I'll be DM'ing Starwing for this.


Since the destruction of Sunwing and Moonwing, the Twilight Mountains and the surrounding areas have had their safety secured. However, rumours persist of a third dragon witnessed leaving the old nesting ground, taking flight towards the island of Corone.

Witness accounts place the dragon as having glimmering silver scales, with a body the size of a galleon, but it has never landed to feed or to rest and has stayed aloft for the duration of its migration. It was last rumoured to have been spotted over the ocean by deep sea fisherman, bearing towards Tylmerande.


Starwing will be a tough opponent. Its abilities will mostly remain a secret until it is encountered, but it is rumoured to be able to cast powerful weather-related magic and summon storms. This is on top of its mighty draconic presence.

Spoils will be rare and defintely worth your time!

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