One of the most important factors for success for a forum such as ours is the ability to listen to its userbase, and to engage constructively with the community at large. This is why at: 9pm GMT / 4PM CST / 1PM PST / 5PM EST on Sunday 17th October 2021 (I hope I have those time zones correct!), we will be hosting our first ever public call on discord.

The purpose of this is to connect with all members of the Althanas community on a wide range of issues, including the future direction of the site as a whole. Whether an active forum contributor, a discord contributor or both, we'd love to hear from you. Remember, this is your site, and we are simply the custodians.

For those who don't already have a discord presence, the link to the server is here

There may, or may not, also be announcements on other things (including upcoming events), so it is well worth tuning in if you can make it!
