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  1. #2

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    (My entry haven't done these in a while/contains erotic footage. Note: Not the Althanas realm hahah kudos to fellow nerds who catch that joke.)

    For the demon, what classified as dark events was different.

    As darkness coated the land, it had a very different reaction on Nosdyn son of Tharak. Once the darkness, his old friend and lover, embraced him he awoke a few moments later. What he saw was truly terrifying. The demon's own darkness and rage from within was faced with a bright light he had to shield his eyes from. Though there was a bright light everywhere, the mysterious realm was a place that a certain other vanished Hero faced long ago.

    The sky was pink, and the clouds had large smiles on them as if taunting the demon. As if to say: we got you bitch. Once he was done shielding his eyes and his eyes adjusted, he saw the colourful scene.

    He looked around and even the damned trees had faces with their eternal taunting smile.

    Nosdyn found the place disgusting. Before him was a humanoid figure who wore all white priest hood garb.

    "Someone you are connected to has faced this realm before." She said calmly and teleported from her position sitting on a rock that smiled as well over to Nosdyn. "It is interesting that the dimensions are in such flux."

    He looked at the overly bright woman. "What is this place?" He asked.

    "Your worse nightmare come true." She explained. "With your heart of darkness this bright and colourful place has manifested to torment you." She said. The pink sky overhead was dangerously close to him.

    "Do your worst." He says in exchange but notices his large and muscular body would not respond to his command.

    "We...are going to love you to death with cuddly cuteness of devastation." She says calmly and walked towards him pushing him down to the floor.

    At that point he found himself surrounded by a mob of...killer bunnies with white fur. Nosdyn screamed as he was forced to submit. For a demon, not being able to fight back was truly the worst form of darkness.

    In that other realm a celestial oddity, nobody would come for Nosdyn and nobody....would hear him scream. From the torture he would endure a the hands of such cute and frightening beauty...

    The End.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 10-13-2021 at 02:51 PM.

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