An invitation was sent to Philomel van Oort. It read, "A challenge awaits you at the Citadel in Radsanth. A man named Max Dirks seeks an audience and a battle to awaken the 'horse' from her slumber."

A twenty one year old Max Dirks sat cross legged in the center of a blank 30x30x30 room in the Citadel. He was adroit in his classic outfit: a perfectly laundered white jumpsuit covered by a black trench coat. Though not visible, his twin Berettas were safely holstered to his shoulders. His appearance was a far cry from the grizzled old man who barely survived 'the end of all things.' A lot had happened since then. No one outside of her family or her guild had seen the fawn Philomel in sometime, but Dirks had no doubt she would show. When she did, she would be greeted by a plain room with an impressive secret. Here, she would find no bounds on her power, just as Dirks had no bounds on his own.