The night vixen could feel the hate, the rage coursing through her veins. Sadness was in her eyes as well as she watched her son prepare for battle with his father. Shaking her head as they left Salil’s opulent room, Sivi couldn’t help but sigh softly to herself. She knew the day would come when she would have to confront her father about her horrible childhood. The misery, the sadness, the helpless feeling she felt when she couldn’t save anyone dear to her.

Draistol though perverted had been an awkward source of comfort, turning her feelings of being weak into strength. Where she had been unprotected she now had her magic. She knew she no longer was a child, but forlorn feelings still remained, the control, the wrenching grasp her father had, she, had used her rage about that to gain the magic she had today. The spells she would use to show her father that she no longer was the frail scared little girl she had been in the past.

Steadying herself, as a monk appeared in the narrow silent halls, it was a woman her hair golden in the dim lights, she wore a flowing brown robe and her blue eyes shone with secret knowledge, as if on cue her musical voice exclaimed “A battlefield has been prepared for you all. We had a feeling Master Mizami would want to practice his skills! He’s always been restless since he was a child! Never able to sit still, always studying, always learning! Always training, we were surprised at this, but then again he is an intelligent man. He wanted to absorb knowledge since the time he could speak!” her eyes were sparkling as she led the party to a black shining portal. Motioning with her hand she said softly “It's right here! Good luck to you all!” She then departed giving Salil a soft smile and nod, before she scurried back in the shadow’s of the citadel’s halls.

Salil gave the retreating woman’s form a warm smile, flexing his claws he murmured “Thank you Setsuna…” he then went through the portal into the battlefield, his form disappearing into the vortex.

Sivienna went next, a harsh look on her face as she felt the the tug around her navel as the gate pulled her through. It felt like a few minutes past, as the night angel could feel the dizzying feeling of the portal spitting her out.

Landing unevenly on her feet, the beauty pulled out her pack, growling low, she pulled out her dragon bone claws, staring at them, she muttered “I thought I wouldn’t need anything….I thought this would just be a happy reunion between my son and his father, but no, my father had to ruin the whole thing.”

A dark laugh echoed through the area as the portal spit Raoul out with a loud OOMPH sound. Brushing himself off he said callously “Afraid my dear daughter? You should be, even with what your perverted master taught you, you’ll never be able to defeat me! You're my child and no matter how your strength grows, I shall always be your superior!”

Sivi glared daggers at her father, before her lavender orbs examined the battlefield before her, she could see that the monks had designed a place built for speed and quick fighting. The gurgle of softly flowing stream could be heard somewhere off in the distance. The soft feel of green grass could be felt under the vixen’s booted feet. A gentle breeze played with the hem of Sivienna’s flowing purple frock, her eyes still skimmed over the place where she would finally release all of her childhood aggression. She could see rocks, gray, but dull in all shapes and sizes littering the field, and to top it all of, a moon the shape of a round clear coin could be seen shining its pale blue light onto the arena.

Once her assessment of the battleground was complete, she turned to her dad’s form. Flexing her claws agilely, she hissed “No dad, I”m not afraid! I”ve been through hell since I left! Learned how to care for myself and I won’t let you control me anymore! Nor will you kill me!”

Lord Mizami slammed his cane swiftly into the ground, his own lavender orbs darkening considerably as his aura pulsed menacingly, in a suave voice he cooed “Then come show me when you’ve learned my dear! We shall see if it's enough!!”

A scream left the vampiress’s lips, as she charged swiftly at her father’s lean form, a quick claw swipe was aimed at Lord Mizami’s shoulder, before she aimed a roundhouse kick at his stomach. She then jumped back her claws at ready for what her father would do next.

The cane rose agilely, easily blocking the claw slash, a smug grin was on Raoul’s lips as he hissed “Too easy SIvi, didn’t Draistal teach you any better?” he then began to chant softly under his breathe, the moonlit sky darkening as he began his spell, in a dark voice he muttered “You’ll regret never obeying my rules Sivi!”