The young scholar barely avoided another flying attack from a tiny devilish creature who was all claw and tooth. Ducking down she let out a light shriek, which extended into an uneasy laugh. It had been stupid to come to the battlements, that was clear - yet it was where the rumours of the worst assault had come to. And the metal hulk of a mercenary that Celandine was looking for would surely be where the fighting was most engaging.

Nervousness wracked her. Despite all her training with spear, scimitar, bow and many other weapons besides Celandine was not born for warfare. Never had her desire been strong to practise swordplay as a hobby, as her mother's was. To actively seek out violence was not her calling, and neither was it to actively involve herself in any battle - unless it be one of wits. Nevertheless she still seized up her dastardly knitting needles in her hands, wielding them like an idiot straying into chaos.

Yet they held a secret. These needles, on contact with flesh, would dig through the skin and cause deep, lacerating wounds. Ones that were not perhaps the choice weapon of an ordinary warrior, but the key to self defence for such as she.

Flashing her left hand in the air to fend off the bared fangs of the tiny demon she answered Umbra finally.

"Me. Hello Umbra. What a time to come back!"

Hissing back in response to the imp she swung her head to bear those tiny horns nestled amongst wet, lank hair and dared him to assail her.

There were plenty of other enemies. But the dark elves and other assorted soldiers seemed to be holding their own enough. What was not ideal was the fact a couple of the wingless demons now scaling over the top of the wall saw the small faun and picked her out as an easy target. Grinning, they wielded wicked knives and ran forwards.

Easily, a lithe black-skinned elf nearby cleaved one in twain. There was no elegance in it, no hesitation. One moment there was a demon, next there was the beautiful dark elf and their sword. Strangely exotic. Classically handsome. Her heart beat for one single moment. Then, pushing herself back into the battle Celandine savagely blew a raspberry at the flying gnat and when it retaliated with a dive she swatted it with her needle, stabbing it right through the heart and into the path of the second demon.

Distracted, that one was quickly cleaved down by other swords.

"Get back down!" Umbra shouted at her. "Out of the way. This is too dangerous for you!"

"I've survived for three weeks on my own, thanks," Celandine rolled her eyes, but she had to admit he was partly right. "I can tell you though these demons are weakest in their stomachs. Their leader is Andrael, he looks like an ugly bastard and wears a blue coat. Cut him down and they'll flee."

Her hiding and investigating while trawling the countryside had been rather useful. Her knowledge now of many of the main demon generals had grown and though she did not know exact locations of every wild army, she still could share some secrets.

Quickly she took another step back, and as she did she gestured down below to a vaguely familiar flash of brilliant blue fabric, belonging to one orcish brute who was carelessly weaving his way to the front lines. Behind him swathes of demon warriors flocked, as if he was their knight in shining armour.

"There!" She cooed. "Get him, Umbra. And when you're done come find me in the library. I've found a way out of here. Saved a village. Can get us to the shore." She slipped back to avoid a barbed arrow.

"Kill Andrael. It'll make this fight a lot easier."

There were a few guffaws around her to those who just saw a little child in a night shift but she stared at them defiantly, bright eyes scanning them all.

"Fight. Survive. Then I'll get you all out of here."