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  1. #1

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    [New] Kalestiya Brightheart

    Name: Kalestiya Brightheart
    Old name: Teefa Kalestiya ‘o Riviera (a name she no longer uses, see history details)
    Nickname(s): Kale
    Age: 16
    Race: Human
    Alignment: Benevolent
    Elemental Aptitude: Light

    Height: 5' 4"
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Hair: Waist-length, very lightly curvy, medium brown.
    Skin: Fair complexion.
    Clothes: White dress with brown belt and pouch, white boots. Standard white undergarments.
    General Impression: Reasonable attractiveness.

    Personality: Kalestiya loves reading, nature and helping people. She likes animals, travelling and fine cuisine. She dislikes violence, aggression and greed. Kalestiya is known to be somewhat naïve, innocent, like-a-babe-in-the-woods, trusting, impressionable, dainty, caring, charitable, self-sacrificing and devoted. She is kind-hearted and benevolent. When interacting with people of all ages, she is always very honest and extremely polite (which sometimes gets her in trouble). On rare occasions she tends to get shy, especially around influential men. She feels the need to help others as well as bringing out the best in people.

    Famous quote: "Kindness is my strongest weapon, and I am not afraid to use it."

    Possessions: A gold-colored locket (keepsake), a feathered hair-clip, a warm cloak, one small cutting tool for gathering herbs, two small glass flasks, a set of 3 needles, 5 spools of colored thread (white, red, green, blue and violet), a leather pouch and a small coin purse.


    Herbalism: As a young student, Kalestiya proved to show interest in various properties of plants and its effects when used in potions and medicine. She understands which herbs are often most beneficial and can collect them using the proper techniques.

    Basic Medicine: By mixing herbs and other materials, Kalestiya has the ability to create potions or ointments for various purposes, like healing minor ailments, wounds of burns.

    Sewing: Kalestiya can patch simple clothing with needle and thread.

    Very limited self-defense: being pacifistic, Kalestiya will choose flight over fight; however, when she is cornered, she can dodge attacks remarkably well. As for offense: she can push and shove… and that’s about it.

    Polite persuasion: Due to her polite and innocent nature (and better than average looks), Kalestiya is often deemed endearing by those who interact with her. Because of this, she is usually able to persuade people into helping her, however, She does not do this on purpose since she is unaware of the effect she has on people. She considers common decency a good skill to have and to her it is just standard practice.


    Heal: This is an innate ability that Kalestiya doesn’t quite understand or knows how to control very well. By touching someone who is wounded, she can channel her own life force unto a subject. Depending on the severity of the injury, using this ability adversely affects Kalestiya’s mind as it causes various issues like loss of consciousness and memory. Because of this, Kalestiya chooses to heal only very minor wounds (scratches, small cuts and light bruising).

    Radiance (latent): This is an ability that Kalestiya has no control over but is rather triggered in life-threatening situations (the effect is not always guaranteed to occur). Under threatening conditions, Kalestiya's body will begin to radiate a bright and blinding light. The intensity can increase to such a degree that any normal human being or animal is forced to cover their eyes or look away which would allow Kalestiya a brief window of time to escape from danger.

    Background / History:

    Born into a rich family, Kalestiya – then known under the name Teefa Kalestiya ‘o Riviera – grew up with all the advantages that a wealthy environment could offer. She knew no hardships in her childhood, other than sometimes feeling lonely and not having any friends. Since her parents were always too caught up in maintaining their aristocratic status, Kalestiya was left under the care of a maid named Filora -whom she grew very fond of. They always spent time together in the great gardens behind the huge mansion they all lived in. It was Filora that taught Kalestiya the importance of kindness and generosity. It was around this time that Kalestiya realized that she didn't want riches and wealth; she wanted to be someone that was able to help the less fortunate.

    At the age of 12, Kalestiya was sent to an expensive, private school where she chose to study -among other things- alchemy, natural science and medicine. After one year, she proved to be the top student of her class and excelled at a tremendous pace. Noticing her aspiration to become a physician, the head counselor of the academy decided that it would be wise for her to continue her studies at the famous 'white league institute'. Here Kalestiya would further develop her knowledge about the healing arts.

    One day, Kalestiya found a very old and worn book in the institute’s library; it didn't even have stamps on the inside of its cover -which were usually on books when they are lent out. Flipping through the pages, a vision flashed through Kalestiya’s mind and a warm sensation flowed through her body until a bright light completely enveloped her. The intensity of the energy that surrounded her caused her to lose consciousness. When she woke up again in the infirmary, she felt some of the energy still within her. Several weeks later, an accident occurred and some of the students of the institute were injured. Kalestiya - who was present during the accident - ran to aid her fellow classmates. As she touched one of the students, a bright light flashed from her finger and miraculously healed all minor wounds. When the teachers asked what happened, Kalestiya could not recall the event that occurred.

    Kalestiya was barely 14 years old when she graduated, much sooner than her peers. After receiving her diploma, she was forced to return home to her family. When she returned at her estate, Kalestiya quickly discovered that her only childhood friend, Filora, had fallen ill. As fast as she could, Kalestiya rushed to Filora's quarters. Once at Filora’s side, she tried to use her healing ability but matter how hard Kalestiya tried, Filora's condition did not improve. While desperately trying to save her only true friend, Kalestiya completely exhausted herself until eventually she lost consciousness. When she woke up again in her own bed, she was tended to by Filora; Alive and well. Kalestiya jumped out of the bed, overjoyed to see that the most important person in her life had recovered.

    Rumors of Kalestiya’s abilities began to spread and Kalestiya's parents decided they could use their daughter's reputation as a leverage to increase the status of their house. They arranged a marriage between Kalestiya and Dariel Artheon; The son of a rich nobleman that also had many connections within the aristocratic society. On Kalestiya's 15th birthday, while in the presence of many guests, her parents made the announcement of the betrothal, Kalestiya, completele unaware of the arrangement, was shocked by the discovery that her parents blatantly decided this arrangement without her consent and protested. Kalestiya tried to convince her parents that she wasn't ready for marriage yet, they did not listen. They told her that she was in the prime of her life and if any time was good enough to get married, it would be now. Kalestiya then went and said that she didn't love Dariel and that she hardly knew him but it was to no avail. After much debate Kalestiya realized that neither of her parents really cared about how she felt about anything in life, to them, everything was already decided. It was then that Kalestiya realized that she was only being used in her parents' selfish plot to gain status. Dejected and disappointed, Kalestiya confided in Filora who comforted her.

    One night, while having a heart-to-heart with Filora, the maid unintentionally put the idea into of running away into Kalestiya’s head when she told stories of her own life and how she escaped by choosing a different life. Although Filora tried to dissuade Kalestiya from actually running away, she could tell that the young girl she always cared for was very unhappy. Since relations between Kalestiya and her parents only worsened over the course of a few weeks, her mind was finally made up; she was going to run away. She discussed her plan with Filora who suggested to her to flee to the Northern continent, there she could start a life as a healer and choose her own fate. After receiving a special locket from Filora and a heartbreaking goodbye, Kalestiya fled in de middle of night, starting a long journey.

    It did not take very long before her parents had discovered that her daughter was missing. Infuriated by her 'selfish' decision to run away, they immediately gathered all family members together. After a long debate it was agreed upon that Kalestiya had willingly shamed the name of the family and would therefore have to be returned to face her punishment. They hired some of the best and most experienced trackers in the region. They also had posters put up with a reward for those who was able to find her. It was no meager reward, the price for finding Kalestiya was so incredibly high, that not only trackers from the local region went on a search for her, but also bounty hunters whose exploits were legendary. Everyone offered their help, from local townsfolk to traders as well as merchants from all over the country.

    1 year had passed, and Kalestiya had already traveled across land and sea, to far and exotic lands. Occasionally she stayed in small towns or villages and offered to work for food or small amounts of money. Every now and then she used her skills to heal wounds or make potions. Although she loved to aid the people in need, she was always reluctant to use her powers in fear of being discovered. It was also one of the reasons she never stayed in one place for very long.
    Wandering the world, Kalestiya learns and experiences many things in life. Whether the experience is a new life lesson or a new skill or profession, she is happy with the decision she made. She does still think about Filora and hopes that everything is fine back home. Although unaware of her pursuers and the reward offered for her return, she always bears in mind that her family may have sent someone to look for her so she decided to change her name to Kalestiya Brightheart, after her maternal grandfather, Ophidus Brightheart.


    I used to be on the old Althanas and I've decided to return. I hope I've done everything right but I do apologize if I made a mistake and I will correct any that you point out to me. It has been a while, so please bear with me. Thank you kindly for taking the time to read everything. I look forward to your feedback and/or approval.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 03-10-2023 at 07:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Supreme Overlord

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    Max Dirks

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    Sorry for the delay. Everything looks good. Welcome back!

  3. #3

    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 4,500
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Quote Originally Posted by Max Dirks View Post
    Sorry for the delay. Everything looks good. Welcome back!
    Thank you kindly for the review.
    I didn't mind the wait, but it did make me wonder if there was any activity on here anymore; I am happy that there still is.

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