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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Bound by Shadows: A True Ordeal (open)

    Kalestiya sat cross-legged in a small clearing nestled deep in the forest, surrounded by a vibrant array of herbs and wildflowers. The sun cast a warm golden glow upon her as she carefully plucked leaves and petals, her fingers moving with precision. With each pluck, a pleasant aroma filled the air as the botanical treasures released their natural essences.

    Lost in her craft, Kalestiya meticulously placed the herbs in an organized manner into a woven basket, ready to be used later on to create healing salves known to soothe even the most stubborn ailments. Her heart swelled with satisfaction, knowing that her concoctions could bring relief to those in need.

    Little did she know that as she worked, an unseen presence lurked in the shadows of the forest, observing her every move. A pair of sharp eyes followed her gestures, their gaze never wavering. As intense as their surveillance was, Kalestiya remained blissfully unaware. She continued to work with focused dedication but did occasionally glance around, but only to admire the natural beauty surrounding her. She noticed no evidence of another presence. The dense foliage kept its secrets hidden.

    With the late afternoon sun slowly beginning to descend toward the horizon, Kalestiya finally completed her herb gathering. Her basket brimmed with a colorful assortment of leaves, petals, and roots. Satisfied with her bountiful harvest, she secured the basket's contents with a piece of twine and slung it over her shoulder. Leaving the serene forest behind, she began her journey back to the capital. She followed the familiar path, and as she walked, the sights and sounds of nature accompanied her, their melodies soothing her spirit.

    The capital, with its towering structures, among which the citadel stood prominently, and bustling streets, drew closer with each passing step. The young girl's heart swelled with anticipation, her eyes fixed on the imposing city that loomed ahead. As she neared the city gates, a sight caught her attention—a guard detail stationed near the entrance. Kalestiya's brow furrowed with concern. Had she missed the curfew? She quickened her pace, hoping to reach the gates before any unwanted questions were asked. Her mind raced, conjuring excuses and explanations.
    As she approached, the guard's watchful gaze made her nerves tingle, amplifying the weight of her unease.

    Upon reaching the gate, the guard detail turned their attention towards her, their eyes scrutinizing her every movement. One of the guards, a burly man with a stern expression, stepped forward and held out his arm, motioning Kalestiya to halt.

    "Late evening stroll, miss?" he inquired, his tone firm yet tinged with curiosity.

    Kalesiya nervously flashed a warm smile and curtsied, her eyes sparkling with genuine innocence.
    "Kind sir, please forgive my late arrival to the capital. I was gathering herbs outside the city and lost track of time during my task. You know how it is when nature's beauty captures your attention," she replied politely.

    The guard's stern expression softened slightly as he glanced at the basket with fresh herbs she carried.
    "Herbs, eh? Are you a herbalist?"

    "Yes, indeed," Kalestiya answered with a nod, her enthusiasm evident. "I have a passion for healing and botanical knowledge. I was just on my way back to start working on making salve and potions."

    A hint of admiration flickered in the guard's eyes. He scratched his chin thoughtfully.
    "Well, we wouldn't want to hinder a healer's noble work. Consider yourself lucky, Miss. But do be mindful of the curfew next time. The city gates close after sundown for everyone's safety."

    Kalestiya nodded earnestly, expressing her gratitude.
    "Understood," she replied with another curtsy, "thank you kindly, good sir. I truly appreciate your understanding."

    With a final smile and a polite nod, the guard stepped aside, allowing Kalestiya to pass through the gate. She breathed a sigh of relief, feeling fortunate that the guards were understanding of her situation. As she continued her journey into the bustling streets of the capital, she noticed merchants had begun closing their stalls, folding canopies, and packing away their goods. Lost in her thoughts, she hurried herself to the workshop where she resided.

    Across the street, from behind a stone pillar, a figure clad in a dark cloak watched intently as Kalestiya made her way through the still bustling streets of the capital. The figure's eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and determination, hidden beneath the shadowy hood. Despite the activity of the merchants closing their stalls, the figure's eyes remained fixated on its target.

    As Kalestiya's steps carried her closer to the workshop, her anticipation grew within her like a rising tide. Her mind was preoccupied with the tasks that awaited her at the workshop, contemplating the delicate balance of herbs between the salves and potions she would concoct. Unbeknownst to her, a veil of shadows followed in her wake, concealed behind the flickering flow of street lamps and the occasional passerby, its gaze dissecting every move Kalestiya made and every subtle shift in her expression.

    In the dimly lit alleyways, the figure moved with stealth, mirroring the young girl's steps as she weaved through the closing market stalls. The merchants, their stalls laden with wares now covered and packed, bid their final farewells to the day's customers, their voices fading into a distant murmur. As Kalestiya turned a corner, her heart quickened, sensing a subtle change in the atmosphere. She glanced over her shoulder, a hint of unease creeping into her thoughts. Shadows danced in the flickering lamplight, elongated and twisted like eerie specters.

    Unaware of the figure trailing her, Kalestiya quickened her pace, her footsteps echoing through the empty streets. The once lively thoroughfares now bore a deserted air, as if the city itself held its breath, awaiting something unknown. The shadowy figure maintained a cautious distance and remained silent, its intentions shrouded in mystery. With each step Kalestiya took, the unseen observer matched her stride, its watchful eyes never wavering from her form.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-02-2023 at 07:06 PM. Reason: Spelling corrections.

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