The proud Dark Elf nobleman guided Nosdyn to the Temple of Lloth. "You should be honored."

Nosdyn nodded. "I am." He said. "I know things in the past were brutal..." He looked away for a moment, shadows dancing across his powerful blue skin. "But...I hope we can ammend things now as a people."

"We all have shadows." The noble said. "I think we can learn from past mistakes." He shook Nosdyn's hand.

"I will seek out the wisdom of Lloth." He said and prepared to enter the massive Temple of Lloth.

"Seek me out." He said. "After I mean."

Nosdyn nodded and enterred the temple. His mind was deeply calmed by the smell of incense in the temple. Many Dark Elves greeted Nosdyn including the Priestess he claimed as a mate. She walked up to him and kissed him lovingly. He kissed her back. "Are things ready?" Nosdyn asked. He looked the woman in her eyes.

She nodded. "Yes my lord. There will be time after." She teased.

He nodded and they moved to the larger meeting area of the temple. Lloth soon appeared. She moved to Nosdyn and hugged him she was an attractive spider woman. She hugged him and Nosdyn smelled her lovely scent. He almost lost control right then but barely was able to maintain himself.

She looked at him. "Child of the Tular Plains." Lloth said. "Your request has been granted my Son." She said.

Nosdyn considered. "Thank you my lady."

"What troubles you my child?" Lloth asked.

"A moon ago, my House killed N'Jal." Nosdyn explained. There excited whispers amongst the gathered at that relevation. Nosdyn contnued. "We don't need the Greater Thayne." He continued. "Someone told me we can be free of them."

Lloth considered. "N'Jal is dead." She said. "You have done us a great service Son of the Tular Plains. Your request has been granted."

Nosdyn Krotar, son of House Krotar was making a bold request. Instead of returning to the Tular Plains to rebuild what was lost...he opted to JOIN the Children of Ettermire. He opted to have Huse Krotar become a House of Ettermire. One of many Dark Elf Houses. He completely accepted Dark Elf culture. "I accept your people as my own family."

Nosdyn said, even Demons could be forgiven. Even Demons could know peace. He sighed for a moment. "Father would be proud." Nosdyn suddenly said to Lloth.

Lloth considered that. "You are full of surprises Son of Ettermire." She suddenly said. "I will grant you your request." She conitnued. "Go in peace Son of Ettermire."

He nodded and proceeded to go consume his priestess for a while....

Then he went home.