Despite his friend being there...something troubled The Elf.

He kept staring at the fire for a long moment.

Thinking about the day of The Goblin attack. Elthas rose to help protect his friends and the town...he'd done the right thing. But something didn't sit well with him. He wore a frown on his handsome face since the day of the attack. There was something troubling him...something he kept hidden away from everyone. There was something else guiding The Goblin attack. There had to have been...they were not acting alone. Elthas knew that things happened for a reason...good people died all the time. But they had risen together to prevent a tragedy from occurring.

And yet there was that hidden something there.

Elthas turned to look towards Nevin and Aphrael. "Sorry if I seem distant. Something is troubling me." From what Elthas knew of Goblin folk, they did oft raid the settlements of Humes in small bands and things of that nature. But the fact that no Overlord was present...bothered Elthas a lot.

Normally, The Goblin folks rally under some sort of a central leadership. Was this the start of something bigger?

Elthas wish he knew more.

"We didn't learn anything." Elthas said out loud. "In the mad rush to defeat them all, we didn't gather any information about future attacks." Elthas partially blamed himself, but he knew that Goblins would not just readily give up any of that sort of information. Another thought bothered him as well. I need to be able to protect Stonevale... He thought about Nan, about the folks living in Stonevale, and he thought about Sketch and Ezra. Often. He'd made friends very quickly that day and that sort of bond never faded away easily.

Elthas was looking at Nevin at that point. "I don't mean to trouble you with such concerns, old friend." Elthas was a deep thinker, and he was afraid he'd missed a vital clue someplace. As he considered the situation, he looked at the food and then he looked back towards Nevin. "Dinner's about ready. I'm sure we can talk better on a full stomach." Elthas tried his best to flash one of his Stonevale famous smiles. But it didn't look correct because of the troubles on his mind. "Did you find many herbs to restock for your shop?" Elthas asked.