The dark figure, an unlikely soul, belonged to that of one of the daft Paladin folks.

He opened his eyes and that set off a soft ambiance around him as he looked at the handsome woman. Though truth be told, Lorenor had preferred Men for the longest time now. Several life times, in fact. However, he found the curvy girl agreeable. Her long red and flowing hair reminded him of other such beauties he'd seen in his life. The question lingered in the air for a long moment as the glowing Paladin looked at the woman with a soft and kind expression in his eyes. "Your violin skills reminded me of something." Lorenor said calmly. "Forgive me, dear lady, my name is Lorenor. Was just camping out nearby when I heard the voice of an Angel." Lorenor felt warm near the small house and the girl living within the house despite the cold. He looked at the woman for a long moment. Staring deep into her eyes, unafraid. Unflinching.

Once, there had only been one woman who owned Lorenor, and that had been N'Jal.

But that life was long since over. Burned asunder by the fires of purification, The Holy Light's warmth replacing the cold void in his heart. For the longest time, The Undead adventurer served N'Jal as nothing more than a lackey with a fancy title. He was ready to give everything for N'Jal's cause. But betrayal was always a step behind The Old Paladin. He saw her holding a shirt in her hands, close to her heart. A man's shirt. And he wondered which Adventurer could leave such a mark on her. Lorenor felt the weight of ages hanging on his heart at that point as he looked away from the woman for a moment. He looked towards the general direction of the wind at that point. Then he looked back at the girl.

"If you wouldn't mind some company, I'd love to hear more of your singing again." Lorenor said truthfully. He was a daft fellow, something not quite right about the Undead Adventurer. As someone who had lived far too many lives more than he should have. He kept his arms folded across his chest as he looked at her calmly. "Your is a quite beautiful." The Old Paladin said calmly. He was being truthful. He wondered why a soul like hers, shining so bright, would be this deep in the wilderness alone. He was glad that he'd found her before any of the local dangers had.

"I'm a Paladin." Lorenor added. Then he walked towards her and paused a few paces away. "So what do you say to singing some more?" Lorenor asked. His face genuinely showed interest in the beautiful woman.