The last dying rays of crimson light faded over the distant horizon the floating city’s altitude provided. Josh watched through The Russet Apple’s translucent curtains, sipping scotch and nibbling on fried mushrooms. They had an earthy flavor that went well with the ricemeal breading and the smoky motes in the whisky. The demigod’s eyes saw far and deep, and his ears sought out even the faintest noises in the furthest reaches of the inn. He had long since grown used to this constant awareness, and it did not only extend to his ordinary senses. He could, for example, easily pinpoint the fire-mage sitting at the bar downstairs, as well as the fortune teller alone in a corner.

With such unrelenting knowledge came massive responsibility. If he so desired, Josh could have blackmailed half the people in the building, having overheard theirs secrets. The man fucking the whore in the privy liked to remind himself, rather loudly, that the woman he ploughed was not his wife. The head server was stealing from the float of tips regularly, but in truth she probably deserved the coin for the long hours she put in. Breaker had long ago decided never to interfere unless he was protecting someone from bodily harm, enslavement, or loss of significant property. Fortunately he had sensed no danger that demanded his attention, and so he enjoyed the good food and drink, and the beautiful sun-swept view.

Little did he know, the Dheathic mushrooms contained a dormant psychoactive property which activated under extreme heat and was fat soluble. It had been cooked straight into the amuse-bouche.

As time wore on Breaker appeared to become restless. He paced, he leaped casually over the table and back again, he performed a one armed handstand - all while sipping his drink.

A server came in, a young man who started to say something and then gaped at the updside down demigod.

“Do you know how many one-armed handstand pushups I can do?” Josh asked.

The server studied the man before him and then ventured a guess. “A hundred?”

“That was a rhetorical question, I don’t know either. Only one way to find out!” Breaker set his drink on the floor and began exercising with military precision, pressing his entire body weight up and down using only his left arm. His right he tucked firmly behind his back. A growing smile washed his face as he breathed easily through his nose.

“I uh... “ the server stammered. “Can I get you anything? Your guests have yet to arrive.”

“Who said anything about guests?” Breaker asked without breaking rhythm. “It was just Shinsou. Is he bringing someone? Is there a message?”

“What?” The server cried. “N-no, sir, I just misspoke is all. I meant guest. He’ll be sent up as he arrives.”

“Good,” Josh said, continuing his press-ups, “he really should try these mushroom poppers. Send up another order. Hey!” He cried, bounding to his feet and crushing the nearly empty glass he’d left there. “How fast do you think I can run around the entire floating city? Start counting!” He tore out of the inn, leaving a man-shaped hole in the second-story external wall.

“Right,” the server said, “more mushrooms, more mushrooms…” he repeated to himself as he exited the room.