The alchemist’s eyebrows rose as John explained the actual reason why he had come in. There had been a few moments of hesitation before the larger man spoke, but whatever had been running through Cromwell’s mind remained a mystery to the redhead. Instead, Nevin was focused on John’s request, a request for - blood magic.
But not simple blood Alchemy, which is what most people who came here asking for his blood magic were really interested in. No, John was asking Nevin to actually work with his own blood, to delve into it and unearth the secrets buried within. The alchemist slowly closed his request book, and closer his eyes, taking in a deep breath, and letting it out slowly.

This was new, and different. Almost everything he did was focused on advancing his Alchemy, or exploring his own nature. Very little was actually done to explore what he could do with his actual blood magic. But - this, this would give him a unique chance to push his boundaries. He rolled his shoulders as he considered it.
John was clearly not strictly human - normal human men and women did not grow beyond seven feet, and this man had easily topped that heigh. And his body was not contorted, not the distended, stick thin thing it would be if his height was built upon a mutation in his genetic code. No, it was solidly built, thick and muscled, properly proportioned. So, his belief that somewhere in his family line was something that was non-human, was distinctly possible.

Nevin opened his dark eyes and focused on John, speaking for the first time in over a minute. “I can help, yes. To begin - wait. Cromwell.” His eyes widened, then narrowed. That name. Why did he know that name? His fingers drummed upon the counter top. “The same Cromwell line from Salvar?” He watched carefully to see what reaction from the other man before pressing on. It seemed connections to his homeland were more frequent than the alchemist had realized. Or, people fleeing from that accursed country were, that is.

“Very well. In order to even get started on what you're asking, you do realize that I will have to work magic upon your blood, directly? Do you have some prepared, or do we need to draw it now? And - are you comfortable with the possible threats a blood mage might do, with his hands upon your vital essence?” His dark gaze was focused on John. Magic not under the control of the church was furiously despised within Salvar. But - John was not IN Salvar, and had actually come searching for it. Just in case the giant of a man became agitated and lashed out, Nevin carefully rested his palm on the counter, preparing to transmute the wooden surface into a shield to block a sudden attack.

But he hoped it wouldn't come to that. John had come asking for help. Unless this was some elaborate scheme to draw out a blood mage and confirm before attacking, this was an honest request for help. And while Nevin was going to be cautious, he did desire to help.