A rich heart, strong and heavy beat in her chest. Wildly she spun her head to stare with her left eye at the man who had run in. A spear struck right through the throat of one of the wild wolves, spilling blood onto her flank. Fine crimson smashed onto snow white hide. It now mirrored the other thigh, where a previous claw had severely ripped open a gash.

Eyes staring at the man she snorted madly, counting quickly the amount of wolves again. There had been six at the beginning, then one she had managed to kick it's jaw in, so that was down some distance back. Their race had continued and gone for many miles as she had tried to throw them off in the deeper woods, but it and ended up with her caught here caught in the woods as she had veered into an unknown clearing. Enough room for the five remaining wolves. Now there were … two. Severely cut down when this hunter had come.

But he - a shadow had run in. And downed one, then another. This latest had been utterly slaughtered, which allowed the unicorn to feel a chance of … well, hope. So long had been this chase, so fierce and brawling. Once back in the chase jaws had managed to settle around her throat from a surprise attack, but she had managed to swing it off and keep running. A line of blood ran from the various ripped puncture marks, but were hidden by her manic mane. She shrieked and felt a wave of new energy and reared up to pound the closest beast with her forepaws. Her eyes remained full of fear but she was now feeling more alive, covered in blood but with survival suddenly possible.

The last wolf snarled and rushed for the man - who dropped low, one arm hitting the ground limply as his shining blade swept up. The edge hit the wolf and bit in deep, arresting its momentum, and as she watched, the man twisted and slammed downwards, driving the wolf into the ground. With a sickening, crunching thud it just broke, bones snapping as he tore his blade free. Slowly, he stood up, and silver eyes swept across the clearing they were in before his blade folded in half and he tucked it away.

Huge pink eyes spun, taking in the general area, counting the bodies. One, two, three … many. She blinked, through the fear still pounded through her veins. The thought struck her then that she had just been rescued by a very skilled killer. Far more than she had been able to get. In a matter of minutes she had reduced her enemies from five to one.

He had done that. But why?

A horrible thought struck her and she spun to face him. Still adrenaline ran through her and it could last, she thought, against a last fight before she bled out. She was already backed up against a fallen trunk and a hill, so she could go no further back but maybe - maybe she could go forwards. Huffing and taking in a breath she stared him down, the fear clear in her eyes as she prepared for another possible fight. She took in the great dark coat, the silver shining eyes and the huge weapon before she swung her head, eyes filled with utter terror, intention clear.

Ready to face him if this was it, if he had planned this all along. If he had killed the wolves … only to get to her.

Damn the bloody noose.