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  1. #10

    EXP: 1,754, Level: 1
    Level completed: 88%, EXP required for next Level: 246
    Level completed: 88%,
    EXP required for next Level: 246

    Vixen Crowsfoot's Avatar


    Vixen Crowsfoot Quansaldo
    Around 3500
    Half-goddess, half-uniano
    The red haired woman spoke and I felt a pang of something bitter when she did. My eyes spun beneath the darkness of the hood to stare at her. There was a certain elegance to her step, coupled by a light arrogance. Slowly I breathed, watching as she pronouced herself powerful and immediately I drew in my breath, tugging my clothes tighter around me. Oh look she could manifest her soul. Take care of the beast herself. Fantastic. Fan-bloody-tastic. Oh yes, my trip to find out that I had siblings here had made me sour. It was too close to arrogance. Too much like that reminded me too much of the sick bastard (who hd imprisoned and killed me for a week) who lived away down in the Tular plains for my own personal wants right now. A knot twisted into my stomach as she pronounced herself the most powerful amongst us. Alright, she might actually be powerful. And she was not actually that dick Vindrexis. He was far worse. Perhaps his loss of life would ultimately be left to this apparent 'full blood' clone son of our collective father that Ventrua Heysan had told me about - another one of my half siblings.

    For now it had been wise for Mikhail and I to try to set up at least a temporary home. Whilst the iron demon was out finding a shelter that he could actually live in without breaking it, I had snuck here. The purpose of all of this was to see if I could do it again. To have adventure. To spark a new life into my bones. To see if I was actually able enough to build up my slow strength to once more the goddess that I had been. And be faced with this bitch who could turn her soul into snakes.

    Well f*ck you. I can turn into a unicorn.

    Taking a slow step forwards I lifted my hands up to the lining of my hood and slowly pulled it down. Fixing my eyes right forwards, and ignoring the strong, passionate, handsome man that I had had very good sex with, I pronounced myself into the company. My eyes focused on the gentleman who was leading this meeting, his intense brown eyes moving to settle on me as I did. Behind me the giggling rabbit girl and her vampire friend were making noise, but I blocked it out. Breathing in slowly I pulled my hands around to cup them before me and said in a low voice.

    "I may be able to help in some way."

    For a moment the man was silent, but then he seemed to agree, his eyes moving across the rest of the room. It was then I felt satisfied, that I had completed my task. I had set myself, fully and properly now, the task of committing to an adventure which I might die in. Great. Endure more death, well I was not really a stranger to that. Sighing a little I took a step back again, my fingers folding and gripping together tighter as I tilted my head slightly and caught the sight of Fil'ayn into my periphery. For a moment I did nothing but just stare at him, trying not to make it obvious, but likely it still was. Slowly I blinked, a heavy lump forming into my throat as I moved my eyes away once more.

    For what would he think of me now? Now that I felt like a whole new person.

    Quietly I sat down slowly onto a bench and waited for the final few people to make their statements.
    Last edited by Philomel; 02-07-2018 at 05:55 AM.

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